Millennium Falcon, Han Solo

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3rd POV

Rey, Alina, Finn and BB-8 heads towards the ship but it wasn't just any ship it was the Millennium Falcon as the Ties spin BB-8 rolling he chirps Rey, Alina, Finn run up the ramp and BB-8 rolls onto the ramp while running down the hall pointing Rey said "Gunner position is down there" Rey and Alina run down the hall and Finn heads to the ladder climbing down Finn yells "You two ever fly this thing".

Alina POV

Rey and I reach the cockpit I yell "NO" We sit down at the chairs "This ship hasn't flown in years" Rey reaches above, and I flip a few switches in front of me to start the ship Rey said "We can do this" I turn pressing a button "We can do this" But the system turns off I ask "What's going on" Rey tries again she said "There must be a locking mechanism".

Angry I said "That's just great" I slam my hand on the controls suddenly blue lines come out went on the control panels and the system turns back on taking my hand off I look to Rey who ask "How did you do that" Shaking my head I said "I have no idea, but we have to go now" We started up the ship and the engines beginning to lift up we turn but grunt hitting something.

3rd POV

The Falcon slides on the ground on its side before destroying a gate as Rey and Alina look to one another and back out while running out waving his hands Unkar Plutt yells "Hey" He stops to watch the Falcon hits the ground and fly over him "That's mine" He raise his hands in anger.

Alina POV

We fly away from Niima Outpost going up but the Man yell "Wait, stay low" We stare forward "Hey, stay low" Rey ask "What" The Man said "Stay low" I flip a switch I ask "Why" The Man said "It confuses their tracking" Looking back I said "BB-8, hold on" BB-8 chirps I look forward Rey yells "We're going low".

We turn the ship down to the desert and rise to fly above it passes the Ties that fire at us Rey gasp, I grunt and BB-8 exclaims we sway avoiding the shots only to get hit "What are you doing back there" Looking back I said "Hurry up and shoot them" Looking forward The Man said "I'm working on it" I press a few buttons "Are the shields up"?

I press a button for the shields to activate I yell "Yeah they are" The Man said "Try sitting in this thing" We fly pass an explosion I flip a switch grunting the ship shakes due to being hit "We need cover, quick" Rey yells "We're about to get some" I look to where she was looking "I hope" We turn the ship and the hull creaking.

We angle the ship to turn heading for a Star Destroyer I pull a lever flying through the ruins avoiding getting hit we grunt swaying by passing two pillars going down in a trench before heading towards another Star Destroyer we fly along the ground avoiding the shots Rey push a lever and the engines revving going towards before turning going left.

3rd POV

The Falcon sways again avoiding the shots Finn said "Come on, come on" He looks at the screen before firing at the Tie hitting it causing the Tie to sway Alina yells "Nice shot" Looking at the controls Finn said "I'm getting pretty good at this" The Tie crashes into the sand into pieces and a few Scavengers immediately went over exclaiming.

Alina POV

We fly pass more ruins with a Tie behind us avoiding the shots the Man calls "Uh, the cannon's stuck in forward position" I look back "I can't move it" Looking back forward "You gotta lose him" Rey and I look to one another panting before looking at a Star Destroyer staring at it I ask "You thinking what I'm thinking" Rey said "Yeah".

We get the controls ready "Get ready" The Man said "Okay" I turn pressing a few buttons "For what" Looking forward I said "To destroy that Tie" Rey flips a switch above her, and we fly the ship in the air turning around passing the Tie and head straight into one of the engines the Man ask "Are we really doing this" We fly through the ruins avoiding the shots.

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