Chapter 16 (Broke the Tension)

Comenzar desde el principio

Renata looked around, trying to gauge the reaction of both Rocio and Tahoma. Her sister was relaxed, and she couldn't figure out if that was a genuine state. As for the curious man to her side, he did not hide his intrigue. Was that genuine either? She wasn't certain. "For now. I appreciate your hospitality all the same." She looked down at her mostly empty plate. Another serving didn't sound all that appealing anymore.

"How about dessert, Nata?"

Renata shook her head. She was feeling uneasy all over again. "Actually, I'm feeling tired." It was a complete lie.

Rocio's eyes squinted in suspicion, considering how she'd just woken Renata from a great, deep slumber. She graciously said nothing.

"Of course," Nirvi bowed her head. "Thank you for joining us, Renata."

They all rose at once. Renata looked at Rocio with searching eyes.

Tahoma spoke up, making everyone pause. Renata couldn't quite look at him yet but listened closely. "May I?"

She wasn't sure what he meant, but then she saw his extended arm. Excitement bloomed in her chest—Diamond popped into her mind with that broken demeanor, and she felt guilty for her reaction. Still, she nodded in his direction, and she could tell this was being watched with the intruding stares of Nirvi and Rocio.

Tahoma smiled and stepped back. Renata went to his side, and as they began to walk off, she looked back at her sister, who's face filled with concern. It was a stormy kind of look.

Once they exited the dining room, Renata realized the dangerous game she entered. Especially as she glanced at the enormous man beside her. His hands were folded near his lower back. He was strolling at this point, with relaxed body posture. His head leaned the slightest bit toward the left, like he needed to do so in order to hear her. Her eyes were trained ahead, but in her peripheral vision, his clothes demanded to be studied.

She took a deep breath. "Tahoma?"

"Yes, Renata?" She liked how he pronounced her name the way it was meant to be. Many people took the magic out of it, but the roll of his 'r' reminded Renata of her ma.

But her conversation with Nirvi was at the forefront of her thoughts, reminding her that she didn't trust any of them. That wouldn't stop her from being honest. "Did I make a mistake coming here?"

"Mm," he looked at her, "I figured that was on your mind, considering the little spar of wits you had with ma." Those crimson eyes glimmered with amusement.

Her cheeks reddened, though there was no regret in her heart. "I didn't mean to be rude. I just didn't want to play any games."

Tahoma chuckled. It was a rich, tantalizing sound. "Not at all. It was an impressive move if anything. As for your initial answer is biased, but I say 'no'."

"Okay, pretend you're God. On the outside looking in. Have I made a mistake?"

He exhaled a heavy breath. This made Renata's lips lift. "I've made my fair share of mistakes, so I know them pretty well. Still, my original answer stands. I know there's a lot of unknown for you right now," they reached the back part of the house, and the only reason she knew was because of the glass doors leading outside, "but you'll come to learn soon enough about us—yourself. It won't always be so hard."

Renata stopped in her tracks. She wasn't exactly afraid, but this felt like she was doing something she wasn't supposed to be doing. "I thought you were walking me back to my room."

Tahoma never stopped. His hair swished behind him as he sent a smirk at her over his shoulder. It made her pulse spike. "So eager to take me there? We've just met."

She frowned and didn't move quite yet. She couldn't tell if his flirtatious disposition was meant to be disarming for a good reason or a very bad reason, like he might have wanted to distract her from an impending threat. Renata couldn't afford to be mesmerized. "You're not taking me to Nirvi's secret experiment lab?"

He fully faced her as he reached the door. "When my mother welcomes someone into her home, she does not say so with her fingers crossed. There is no nefarious plan. Besides, I would know if there was. I just wanted to show you the backyard. I assumed Rocio hadn't given the tour yet."


His head tilted, promoting her to clarify herself.

"Why show me around? What do you want from me?"

"You're a very suspicious person, Renata." He opened the door. "It's very attractive." He looked outside longingly and didn't say anything to follow right away. "Will you please join me? I'd appreciate your company."

Renata could hear Diamond in her ear, whispering warnings and words of caution. But they were ineffective. "You don't know me well enough to want my company...but I could use some fresh air." That last part was proved accurate as she stepped outside. The cool breeze hit her, and her entire body uncoiled. Her lungs expanded, and her back straightened. Yes, just what the doctor ordered.

He was by her side. It was silent between them for a while as she absorbed their surroundings. Nirvi was certainly a fan of green life given the beautiful landscape that was her backyard. The moonlight kissed every detail with its gentle lips, ridding the night of some of its shadows. They walked onto a stony path fenced by crisp, waist-high hedges. Along these hedges lined dim lanterns. There were various trees with flattened sections of grass surrounding them. A bench placed strategically beneath the thickest branches and leaves. Some batches of flowers were confined by beautiful pottery, others were planted straight into the ground.

Renata could see that the path broke off into all of these beautiful little areas. She could also see that this path would ultimately lead to a maze, though because it was no taller than three feet, she could see at the center of this was a grand tree. It was bright red and unlike anything she'd ever seen.

"It's called a Gulmohar tree," he answered before she could ask. "Remind's Nirvi of her home."

"Where is that?"

"Southern Asia," he smiled, "that's the region anyway. The names of places change so quickly, it's hard to keep up." Tahoma chuckled at some inside joke. It jarred her to even consider how old Nirvi was. How old Tahoma must have been. 

The questions burned inside of her. 

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