Chapter 2

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Kate still couldn't believe that another change she'd found in this reality was that she worked at Wayne Enterprise's as Bruce's right hand, though she now suspected that he had been grooming her to not only take over as Gotham's protector, but also as the CEO Of Wayne Enterprises, which made her realize that he was planning on leaving Gotham again, but now he'd be leaving both in good hands.

Anyways, when Kate arrived at Wayne Enterprises, she found an old friend waiting for her.

"Mr. Fox, what a pleasant surprise." Kate said, trying to act professional, though she saw the knowing look on Luke's face that clearly meant that he remembered the old world like she did, though he remembered the old world was a mystery to her, but she'd figure that out later.

"It's good to see you too Ms. Kane. I just thought you'd like to know that Mr. Wayne is waiting for you in your office." Luke said, playing along with that facade due to how many people were in the lobby with them.

"Since when are you his secretary?" Kate asked with a chuckle as they headed towards the elevator.

"Don't flatter yourself, the only reason I'm delivering the message is because he asked me to be in the meeting too." Luke said.

"Really. I wonder why we're doing this in my office and not his then." Kate said, since she'd been given her own office at Wayne Enterprises after she'd taken the job as Bruce's Vice President, mainly to provide a cover for why she was spending all her free time at Wayne, working closely with her cousin. However, her office did not have a secret entrance to the Batcave, no matter how many times Kate pestered her cousin to put one in, since it wouldn't make much sense for her to have to keep going to Bruce's office every time she needed to get into the Batcave.

"No clue." Luke said as they got in the elevator and as soon as the elevator door closed, Luke was surprised when Kate hugged him.

"I thought you weren't a hugger." Luke said as he hugged her back.

"Yeah, don't get too used to it. This is only because I spent a month stuck outside of time and space while you and everyone else were dead." Kate said.

"Fair point." Luke admitted as Kate pulled away from him as they waited for the elevator to open up at the top floor, where they found Bruce waiting for them.

"Kate." Bruce said with a smile and a look in his eyes that Kate clearly read as Bruce remembering the old world.

"Bruce, where have you been?" Kate asked, hoping she'd finally get an answer to that question, since it was the one thing she'd been dying to ask Bruce since the moment she found out he was Batman.

"That is a long story. One you wouldn't believe even if I told you." Bruce said as Kate and Luke followed him out of the elevator.

"You'd be surprised." Kate said.

"Honestly Kate, you're better off not knowing. Though we should probably get to your office for this meeting." Bruce said, though to Kate's surprise, he walked right past her office and into his.

"Uh Bruce, why are we in your office? I thought we were meeting in mine?" Kate asked.

"We are." Bruce said, much to Kate's surprise.

"Wait, what?" Kate asked.

"Effective immediately, I am stepping down as the CEO of Wayne Enterprises and I am naming you my successor to both my night and day jobs. Which means this office is now yours. Especially since you'll be needing the entrance to the Batcave." Bruce said.

"When are you making it official, since if I'm going to be on camera, I might as well make an effort to look like I care about how I look. Meaning looking professional." Kate said, since she was dressed in casual clothes like she did everyday, since she'd never been one to wear suits or dresses unless it was at really formal events. Something that she did consider an event that would be televised to be.

"I'm holding a press conference tomorrow to announce it, though the board is already in favor of it. Apparently they think that I'm bad for the company." Bruce said with a chuckle.

"You've been devoting more time to Batman than Bruce lately and they're noticing." Luke said.

"Which is part of why I'm leaving now. Before I lose too much of that balance like I did before." Bruce said.

"Bruce, even if you won't tell me where you were, can you tell me why you left?" Kate asked and Bruce sighed.

"Because I didn't feel like I was worthy of being Gotham's hero, since I crossed a line I swore I'd never cross." Bruce said.

"What did you do?" Kate asked.

"There's a reason why Jack Napier never popped back up after Batman disappeared or even after Batwoman appeared and it's not because he was in Arkham." Luke said as Kate put the pieces together.

"You killed him?" Kate asked Bruce, not judging, just shocked.

"He left me no choice. I'd been fighting the Joker longer than Bane or Penguin or any of the others. He was never going to stop and I was getting tired of playing the same old game. I lock him away in Arkham and then he'd escape and the cycle would continue on and on and eventually I snapped and I didn't hold back. And that's part of why I stopped being Batman. Ever since I killed Napier, I've felt tainted by that darkness and I feel like a fraud. How can I protect Gotham if I stoop to the same level as my enemies." Bruce said.

"Oliver Queen killed people who did less than Napier ever did and he was considered a hero. Sometimes heroes like us, heroes without powers, we have to resort to more drastic measures. The Joker had it coming. Besides, you haven't done it yet in this reality right." Kate asked.

"No and that's part of why I'm getting out now. Before I give into that darkness." Bruce said.

"I understand that, but at least now that means that I get a shot at him, since I have to admit, I was always disappointed I never got the chance to fight one of your baddies. From what Kara Danvers told me, she fought several of Superman's bad guys, including Lex Luthor. I'm kind of hoping that I get to fight the Joker. Batwoman takes down the Joker. Very catchy. Who knows I might even get a compliment from Vesper Fairchild." Kate said and Bruce rolled his eyes at that.

"Don't get cocky. But come on. While you were gone, I had Luke put something together for you." Bruce said as he turned the case containing his mother's pearl necklace to reveal the entrance to the Batcave.

"I've missed this." Kate said as the three of them got in the elevator and headed down to the Batcave.

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