𝓜𝔂 𝓣𝓻𝓲𝓸 15 [Edited]

Start from the beginning

"Guys! Do you notice that these match your personalities? Look, Beel, you're the bullet because you can protect us and do lethal damage, and Dia, you're the shovel because you can hide any evidence easily, and nobody would find out! And me? I'm just really good with guns."

They looked shocked but happy and put on the necklaces. I was struggling a bit.. well, a lot, so Beel helped.

"Here." He said and put the necklace around my neck. "Thank you, Beel!"
He nodded, smiling.

We hung out with each other, and it was really fun. We even broke into a store! .. That's a lie. I broke into the store.
We three were chilling and having a little star gazing. Tonight has been awesome.

I never really had a lot of friends back home. They all thought I was weird. Well, what can ya do? "You guys are amazing." I randomly said. They were surprised by my sudden randomness.

"That was quite random. What do you mean?" Dia responded. I looked at him and smiled. "I just... Love it down here. It's so fun and everybody is really understanding here. It's so fun too. People in the human world are just... Not really..... Understanding." I said slowly.

Beel placed his hand on top of mine in a comforting way. He must've sensed my slight sadness. Dia wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me into a side hug.

It's really fun down here. I'm happy I met these people.. well, demons..
I wish this would last forever.

After a while, we agreed we should probably get back. I stood up and dusted myself off as I rewrapped my arms around Beel's and Dia's.

We kinda got distracted from going back, though. Somehow, we ended up playing tag. Dia never heard of it, and Beel heard something similar, just not the same.

Beel was chasing me, and gawddayum was he fast. He wrapped his arms around me, and we tumbled down the hill. Dia had his hands on his knees and yelled if we were ok.

I stood up, still laughing, and gave him a thumbs up. He smiled and laughed to himself, loving the way none of us cared if we or him got dirty. Me and Beel walked back up the hill. When we finally got back up the hill, I looked back down. I slowly smiled. "Have you ever rolled down a hill?" To my surprise, they both shook their heads. Me and Beel only tumbled down the hill, not really rolled.

I showed them how, but they looked unsure. I went first to reassure them. Then they reluctantly rolled down as well. When they got back up, they both just fell back down again.

"Hehehehe. Dizzy?" I asked, leaning down. Dia's eyes softened at the sight of me while Beel.. Beel was way too dizzy to speak. They both nodded after the spinning stopped. All of a sudden, somebody started yelling. "Get outta here! This is private property!" I apologized for it, but the guy started chasing us with a pitchfork that was earlier on a scarecrow.

He must've had bad eye vision. After all, no one would dare point a pitchfork at Lord Diavolo himself and Beelzebub, the Avatar of Gluttony. I pulled out a gun. My Taurus 58HCSS, to be exact. The magazine capacity was 19. Of course, I'd take this one with me everywhere.


Dia was frantically apologizing to the cranky ass man while the said man frantically bowed, crying for forgiveness. Oh, me? Beel had to hold me back, making sure I couldn't reach my gun. I was yelling words I don't even think existed but he almost cut down my friends. Not his. Mine.

I can be hella protective. Thanks to dad.. But I'm glad it's because of him I take matters into my own hands. "Is.. is that thing okay?" The bald demon looks at me with concern. I mean, I would too if I was speaking an unknown language as I act like a rabid animal. Dia gave me a worried look. "She'll.. she'll be okay." The old man nodded.

𝕹𝖔𝖙 𝕯𝖊𝖆𝖉 𝖄𝖊𝖙 [𝙐𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙧 𝙃𝙚𝙖𝙫𝙮 𝙀𝙙𝙞𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜] Where stories live. Discover now