l. jet-black hair and sea green eyes

Start from the beginning

Raya blinked out of her daze, aiming her arrow at the Minotaur's butt. Considering her position, it was the only place she could aim without accidently injuring the boy as well.

Raya let her first arrow fly, a look of indignation coming over her face when the arrow disappeared with a hiss of gold. 

The boy looked towards her, just hearing the noise over the pounding rain. Raya wasn't sure if he managed to see her properly through the storm, but she pulled out another arrow, aiming once more.

Again, it disappeared.

"Okay, that's not fun," she muttered.

Trying again, she pulled out a throwing knife, pausing once the Minotaur's roar echoed through the base of the valley. Raya watched as the Minotaur threw the boy off, but the boy was now holding something bone-white in his hands. 

He managed to break off the Minotaur's horn.

Raya had no idea who this kid was, but she was impressed.

She flung a throwing knife in the direction of the Minotaur, frowning when it also disappeared with a flash of gold before it could cause any harm to the monster.

The Minotaur approached the boy, who seemed dazed from the hit he took.

Raya pulled out Denebola, running towards the Minotaur. She wasn't thinking clearly. All she knew was that she needed to distract the Minotaur from the boy.

Jumping up, Raya brought her sword down in a deadly arc that should've cleaved the monster in half. Instead, it was as if she hit a solid gold wall. 

The impact threw her back a few feet, clutching her right shoulder. She didn't think she dislocated it, but it was definitely sore.

The Minotaur charged at the boy again, and Raya watched in shock as he rolled to the side, coming up in a kneeling position. Without hesitation, he sunk the monster's own horn in his side, slashing upwards.

The Minotaur roared, clutching his side as he began to disintegrate.

Raya was breathing heavily, but she put her sword away as she approached the boy. He was rolled up on his side, clutching his Minotaur horn and crying. Near them, the satyr — who Raya now recognized as Grover — was still calling for food.

"Hey, you okay?" she asked the boy, kneeling next to him. "You kicked ass, by the way. Don't know why I wasn't able to actually intervene. I'll have to talk to Chiron. Let's take you to him. Come on."

The boy looked up, his sea green eyes staring into her own bright grey ones.

Raya's breath caught as she remembered the warning her father had given her. The boy with jet-black hair, and sea green eyes. This was him.

She must've been staring, because the boy sniffled, wiping his eyes. "What's going on? What is this place? Where'd my mom go?"

"Hey, hey," she said softly, using a bit of her powers to calm him down. She was still horrible at it, but he needed it. "Let's go inside and talk about it. It's not safe here. I hurt my shoulder a bit. You wanna help me carry Grover in?"

The boy took her hand, shakily getting to his feet. 

"How do you know Grover?" he asked as the two slung the satyr between them.

"Food," he moaned.

"I've been spending every summer here for a very long time," she told him. "You'll learn everyone's name quickly. Speaking of names, I'm Raya. Raya Newbrooke."

"My name's Percy Jackson," he said, swaying slightly.

Raya carried most of Grover's weight up the hill and towards the Big House, "Well, Percy, it's nice to meet you. I meant it when I said you kicked ass back there. Not many kids could take on the Minotaur."

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