The End of the World Part 4 (Edited!)

Start from the beginning

"And what about your ancestry, Doctor?" Jabe asks as she doesn't realise how it's a touchy subject for him to speak about. "Perhaps you could tell a story or two. Perhaps a man only enjoys trouble when there's nothing else left. I scanned you earlier. The metal machine had trouble identifying your species. It refused to admit your existence. And even when it named you, I wouldn't believe it. But it was right. I know where you're from. Forgive me for intruding, but it's remarkable that you even exist." Jabe gently places her hand on his arm, and the Doctor doesn't feel a tear drop down from his eyes until it lands on his leather jacket, leaving a wet trail of a line as it swims down. "I just wanted to say how sorry I am."

The door opens, and he leads them inside.

"Is it me, or is it a bit nippy?" The Doctor asks her as they set their eyes on the spinning fans.


Daisy and Lucinda head down a hallway leading towards the Tardis when the Repeated Memes comes over to stand in their way.

Before Daisy can push Lucinda behind her, she feels something hard hit the back of her head.


"Fair do's, though, that's a great bit of air conditioning." The Doctor comments. "Sort of nice and old-fashioned. Bet they call it retro." He scans another panel and grins as it unlocks off the wall. "Gotcha!" He then precedes to move the panel, only to see a metal spider and moves back to watch it climb up the wall. "What the hell's that?"

Jabe narrows her eyes at it. "Is it part of the retro?"

"I don't think so." The Doctor shakes his head. "Hold on." He aims his sonic screwdriver at the spider, but Jabe is quicker and uses her whip to knock down the spider off the wall and into his hands. "Hey, nice liana!"

"Don't worry, I won't tell anybody." He grins at her then turns his attention to the spider. "Now then, who's been bringing their pets on board?"

"What does it do?" Jabe asks with interest.

"Sabotage." He asks in a cold tone, fearing for everyone onboard.

"Earth Death in ten minutes."

"And the temperature's about to rocket." The Doctor realises and widens his eyes as he turns back to the exit. "Come on!"

"Earth Death in ten minutes."


"The planet's end. Come gather, come gather." Lady Cassandra speaks up to all the other creatures. "Bid farewell to the cradle of civilisation. Let us mourn her with a traditional ballad."

Toxic starts to play on the jukebox as they turn to watch the Earth.


The Doctor and Jabe runs down a corridor leading to a door surrounded by smoke and sees the glare of the sun almost coming through the tinted window at the top of the door.

"Hold on, get back." The Doctor orders the blue staff members as they gather around them. He flashes his sonic screwdriver at the panel near the door and it allows him access to see what is happening.

"Sun filter rising. Sun filter rising."

Jabe gasps. "Is the Steward in there?"

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