Daisy and Lucinda Part 2 (Edited)

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The next morning, Daisy is sitting in the living room with Lucinda when she hears someone knocking gently on the front door as if they are almost nervous for a response. She gets up to see who it is and notices the door is unlocked, though Mickey is still asleep and hasn't been out of the flat since he drunkenly arrived back last night from watching a match at the pub.

Daisy slowly opens the door to see the Doctor is standing in front of her with a frown of confusion on his face.

"What're you doing here?" He questions her with confusion clouding his eyes.

"I live here with Lucinda and my friend." Daisy answers his weird question.

"Well, why did you take so long to answer the door, then?"

"Because I thought you could have been one of them things from last night, but no. I'm greeted by a man with big ears. Tell me, do you happen to pick up radio waves with them ears because they're big enough?" Daisy grins teasingly.

"I must have got the wrong signal." The Doctor mutters, looking down at his sonic screwdriver before looking back up to see Daisy still grinning at him, the amusement not leaving her face.

"So, you do pick up radio waves!" Daisy laughs, finding the situation amusing even more.

"I'll have you know, my ears are not big and do not pick up radio waves! Now, you're not plastic, are you?" He taps her gently on the head, enough to feel she is human, but not enough to hurt her. "No, bonehead. Bye, then!"

Daisy grabs hold of his hand suddenly and pulls the Doctor back to her as he turns to leave back to where ever he came from. "You. Inside. Right now, Mr! Don't think you're getting away with not explaining what the nightmare that was last night and if Lucinda and I are safe since we happened to get in the crossfire."

He goes to protest, but Daisy's grip is too strong for him to break loose of so he just lets her pull him inside and to the living room where Lucinda greets him happily with a wave of her tiny hand. The Doctor waves back with a smile on his face.

"Don't mind the slight mess." Daisy comments to him as she lets go of his hand to sit down beside her goddaughter on the couch. "Mickey doesn't know what the word 'cleaning' means. It's sometimes feels like I'm living with two kids, but at least Lucinda helps to clean up her mess, even when I tell her that she doesn't have to."

"So, why don't you two move out if he makes this much mess?" The Doctor questions, gesturing to the newspapers, magazines, dirty towels, and clothes just spread around the living room.

Daisy looks at Lucinda with a soft expression as the Doctor picks up a magazine and comments on it, but she doesn't hear what he says as her attention remains on her goddaughter. "Lucy, why don't you go find your shoes in your bedroom then we can go out before Rose comes over to see Mickey?"

Lucinda nods then runs off to her bedroom.

Daisy looks back at the Doctor. "I can't afford a house or flat of my own with Lucinda. There are too many bills, and Mickey was kind enough to let us live in his flat for twenty quid a month after my mum kicked us out."

"And why would she kick out her own daughter?"

"Because I took in my goddaughter, Lucinda, when I was 16 after her parents were killed in a pub shooting." Daisy explains sadly, remembering when she had to try and explain to Lucinda why her parents weren't coming back home and the only way Lucinda found comfort was by Daisy gesturing to the stars saying her parents are now one of them and will be looking down upon her with pride and happiness as she grows and does amazing things in her life. "Mum didn't like it as she claimed I was ruining my life by taking her in, so she kicked us out because I wouldn't let Lucinda go into foster care to random people...she's never liked me since my dad died. Rose has and will always be the favourite child in her eyes."

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