Chapter One - Dreambringer

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Chapter One - Pilot

Season 1 Episode 1

There was an enchanted forest filled with all the classic characters we know.

Or think we know.

One day they found themselves trapped in a place where all their happy endings were stolen.

Our World.

This is how it happened...

Prince Charming rides on his white horse with sheer determination as the horse races across the long stretch of land towards the forest. He goes day and night, over mountains and through snow and into another forest as time runs out, and he comes to another part of the forest where snow falls on one half. Finally, Prince Charming comes to a stop and jumps from his steed, alerting the several dwarves gathered around a glass coffin with a beautiful raven-haired woman in a white dress lays. "You're too late," Doc announces, looking over at the Prince and then back to the woman lying inside the coffin known as Snow White.

"No," Charming whispers in disbelief. "No!" He pushes towards the glass coffin to see if it's true, seeing the face of the woman he loves. "Open it," He pleads to them, wishing to say his final goodbyes.

"I'm sorry, she's gone," Grumpy tells him, and Charming grows sorrowful, wistfully running his fingers over the glass and looking at the dwarves with pleading eyes.

"At least let me say goodbye," The Prince begs them, Grumpy looks at the other two standing next to him and nods, letting him say his final goodbyes, and they move the coffin's lid. Charming looks at the beautiful woman for a second before falling to his knees and kissing Snow White; a wave of pure magic spreads across the area as the spell is broken, and the Prince pulls away. Snow White takes a gasp of air as she wakes from the broken spell, fluttering her eyes open to see Prince Charming looming over her lovingly.

"You..." Snow White whispers, catching her breath, placing her hand fondly on his cheek. "You found me," She smiles, and he can't help but share the smile.

"Did you ever doubt I would?" He asks, taking her hand in his and helping her sit in her glass coffin.

"Truthfully, the glass coffin gave me pause," She jokes.

"Well, you never have to worry," Charming tells her, cupping her cheek, smiling at each other. "I will always find you."

"Do you promise?" Snow asks him.


"I do," Prince Charming declares at their wedding sometime later, looking lovingly into her eyes.

"And do you, Snow White, promise to take this man to be your husband and love him for all eternity?" The Priest asks as the large crowd watches the happy couple on the flower platform in the centre of the beautifully decorated room.

"I do," She replies, not breaking eye contact.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife," The Priest announces, and the room erupts into applause for the couple, who leans in for a kiss; when the doors slam open, gasps hear from everyone as they look at the sudden entrance of the Evil Queen and her younger sister the Cruel Princess.

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