Chapter 28: Preparations are in Order

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"Jackson, you finally got back!" Mason heard as he and his group walked into City City, his foot not even leaving the step. Looking forward, he saw a group of eight people coming forward."I told you, I told some people I'd take care of some Raiders and Gunners for 'em! On the other hand, I got to meet the General!" Turning to Mason, Jackson rubbed the back of his head. "Again, I do apologize for not explaining properly how I knew who you were.""It's alright. I was a bit confused at first, but it's understandable, though the color may be changin' soon.""Is it alright if I talk with my caravan real quick? I'd like to travel with you. You seem nice, and I'd like to talk about an alliance of sorts in the future, though the only one who can clear that is Randolph.""Go ahead. You can find me at the Detective Agency.""Alright, see you in a few."As Mason began to walk towards the agency, he noticed a man, Sheffield as Piper called him, muttering something about needing a Nuka Cola."Here," Mason remarked, handing the man one he had in his bag. He wasn't going to drink it, and this man seemed desperate."Thank you," the man said, relieved."Before I go, what do you think about comin' to work for me?""Y... You mean it?""Of course. Head over to Oberland Station. Tell them the General sent you. Let them know you want to get to Tenpines Bluff. They could use your help with farming.""Thank you."As Sheffield stood up to leave, Piper spoke up as they began to walk to Valentine's."You manage to get into your fair share of trouble, don't you?""Well, typically it finds me.""Hey I'm not one to judge. Honestly, it's just nice to not be doing it alone for a change. In my line of work, things tend to get pretty hairy. I've been shot at, poisoned, nearly executed. Heck, until recently, they called the lock-up in Diamond City the 'Piper Suite.' Anything for a story I suppose."The executed and shot at part, Mason could understand, but the poisoning? "Someone poisoned you?""You kidding me? I barely had the paper going before I got poisoned. First time, I'd just published an article about this cartel of caravans that had been driving up the food prices in the city. Article went over well, even got a boycott of their goods started in town, so I figured I'd pop over to the Dugout Inn for a victory drink. I'd already taken a swig by the time I realized something was... wrong. Vadim, he wasn't at the bar. The beer tasted off... even more so than usual. And I started feeling real woozy. I don't know what he slipped me, but I knew I had to get it out. I'm looking around for something. And there it is. The still. And I just start chugging moonshine. Honestly, I'm still not convinced it was better than just dying from the poison. But it worked. And while I was passed out on the floor, security managed to grab the bartender. He eventually ratted out his bosses, and they all got to share some time in the pen."Chuckling, Mason looked at her, still surprised by the poisoning. "You've led an excitin' life.""Sure have. But honestly, now that I'm out here with you, I feel like I'm just getting started. Getting in trouble... it's what folks like us do. I mean, you and I are out here, putting ourselves at risk so the people in the Commonwealth can have a chance at a better life. Not for praise, or reward, or glory. But because it's right. I... I just wanted to let you know, I'm real happy to be along for the ride.""I'm glad you're here too, Piper." He may have gotten annoyed by her, but while he didn't necessarily like papers, it was still nice someone was trying to do right."Thanks, Blue. That means a lot coming from you. So, you wanna get out of here?"Mason turned to her as they reached the agency, taking a deep breath. While Piper was a nice person, her combat skills could use some work. He couldn't bring her along when he found the bastard."Piper, I need you to... I need you to go back to Publick Occurrences.""Is everything alright, Mason?" Heather asked, surprised he was doing that. Usually, he'd bring anyone he was testing everywhere, so him leaving her was a surprise."I can not take her with us," Mason said, Piper and Heather both looking surprised. "Piper, you're an amazing person, but your combat skills could use some work. And I don't have the time right now to help you with them.""Are you sure, Blue?""Yes. Go keep an eye on your sister."After Piper had left, Mason took a deep breath before Heather looked at him."Is everything alright?""Honestly, no." When Heather looked surprised, Mason continued. "I am half tempted to ask you to go to the Castle. But I know you won't listen and'll follow me anyway. Know this: when we find the man who killed my wife, I may not want you in the room.""May not be given a choice.""Then be prepared to see what I fight to keep hidden everyday." Sighing, he placed his hand on the door, stepping into the agency."Tell me everything you can, no matter how... painful it might be," Nick said, Mason sitting in front of him after being introduced to Ellie."We were... in a vault when it happened. 111. It was... a kind of cryo facility.""You were on ice, huh? More importantly, you were underground. Sealed up. That's a lot of obstacles to get through to take just one person. What else can you tell me?"Taking a few deep breaths, Mason began to try to recall them. "There was... a man and a woman. They didn't say much, but I remember they called me 'the backup.'""So we're talking a small team. Professionals. The kind that know to keep there lips tight when they're on the job. Not sure what 'the backup' means, though... Anything else you remember.""I'm sorry. Until recently, it wasn't everyday I witnessed a murder right in front of me...""So, we're talking about a group of cold-hearted killers. Anything else you remember?""A baby boy. He was kidnapped. And I still don't know why.""Good question. Why an infant? Someone would be taking on all of his care, and a baby needs a lot of it. That confirms it. This isn't a random kidnapping. Hmm... There's a lot of groups in the Commonwealth that take people. Raiders, super mutants, the Gunners, and of course, there's the Institute."It definitely wasn't Super Mutants. Mason would've remembered one of them. And raiders weren't that organized themselves. But Gunners and this Institute. "Super Mutants are big, green, and kind of hard to miss. We can safely rule them out. But you think the gunners might be responsible.""Well, they're high end mercenaries. No job too brutal. They're in the running as likely suspects, but they wouldn't be the ones pulling the strings.""So this... Institute might be responsible?""Well, they're the boogeyman of the Commonwealth. Something goes wrong, everyone blames them. Easy to see why. Those early model synths of theirs strip whole towns for parts, killing everything in their way. Then you got the newer models, good as human, that infiltrate cities and pull strings from the shadows. Worst of all, no one knows why they do it, what their plan is, or where they are. Not even me... and I am a synth myself. A discarded prototype, anyway."That was surprising. Sure he knew Nick was a synth, but a prototype? "You're a prototype?""As far as I know. Never seen any other synths like myself. There's the older ones that are dumb as rocks and all metal, then there's the newer ones that are almost human. I'm somewhere in between."That was surprising, especially with what Mason knew. "You don't know anythin'? Really?""Some kind of security setting strips blocks out those memories. And it's not just me. Any synth that gets trashed, left behind, or escapes the Institute has the same problem. Probably some kind of failsafe."He couldn't blame the man. He figured if the Institute had good technology, they'd find a way to make failsafes. "Either way, it's done. Let's move on now.""You're right, This speculation is getting us off track. Let's focus on what you saw. What did these kidnappers look like?""I'll never forget that voice. Low and rough. Like sandpaper across your face.""Hmm... not much to go on, but a tough and commanding voice can get someone pretty far in the violence business... What else?"Remembering the weapon, had to of been a revolver, he told Nick, "He had a handgun. I didn't get a clear look at it, but that sound...""Could have been a large caliber revolver... Hmmm. I'm starting to get a clearer picture of the kind of man our perp is... Anything more you can tell me?""The woman was dressed in a... I think it was... some sort of hazard suit. The man... he was a... sort of metal brace on his arm. A leather jacket.""Maybe some kind of improvised armor? Lots of hired guns do that to look tough. The hazard suit is interesting. Not many mercs can afford something that fancy. What else can you remember about them?""One of 'em, the one who killed her," Mason growled, remembering the bastard. "Came up to me. Bald head. Scar across his left eye.""Wait. It couldn't be... You didn't hear the name 'Kellogg' at all, did you?""Oh yeah. I heard their names, home addresses. Fuck they even told me where they keep their diary keys!""All right, all right. Calm down. Hmm... it's way too big of a coincidence. Ellie, what notes do we have about the Kellogg case?""The description matches. Bald head. Scar. Reputation for dangerous mercenary work, but no one knows who his employer is.""And he bought a house here in town, right? And he had a kid with him, didn't he?""Yeah, that's right. The house in the abandoned West stands. The boy with him was around ten years old.""There's no way.""Yeah. big difference between an infant and a ten-year-old, but that doesn't mean we're on the wrong track. He could have a son of his own. Or maybe he's turned kidnapping into a bad habit. In any event, they both vanished a while back. No trace." That was surprising. Leaving without anyone knowing where? With a ten-year-old? "Let's you and I take a walk over to Kellogg's last known address. See if we can snoop out where he went.""Security doesn't really go to that part of town, but you four should still be careful.""I always am..."Following Nick, they left the building, with Ellie telling Mason she'd see him around."I talked to the caravan. They said I could join you so long as I send periodic updates in letters to Randolph," Jackson said, walking up to Mason as they headed up the steps. "Where's that reporter at?""I sent her home," Mason informed him. "Her combat skills could use some work.""I mean, from what I saw, she was fairly adept at combat. Hand to hand, not so much.""And that's why I sent her away. We're searchin' for the man who killed my wife.""Shit," Jackson remarked, turning away from Mason as he looked up at the building. "Well obviously I'll be helping you. Is there anything you need from the market?""No. But I have to ask. And I know it's odd, considerin' we just met. But... I do need you to do somethin'." Looking at Heather, Mason pointed a thumb at her. "The man who may have killed my wife, we're not sure yet, may also have been the one who killed her sister.""She definitely ain't going to let you go alone then," Jackson stated, surprised by the information. "But what does that have to do with me?""I need you... to keep her out of the room," he told Jackson, surprising the man. "Because there isn't goin' to be a fight... between us. It's goin' to be a bloody execution.""What makes you so sure you can kill this man so easily?" Jackson said, he and Mason stopping out of earshot of the other two. "From what I've heard, he's highly trained. And dangerous.""To someone malnourished and untrained, he may be dangerous. And Gunners, despite bein' slightly sharper shots than raiders, aren't trained. Unfortunately for him, I'll hardly hold back.""You mean...""I'm goin' to draw the 'fight' out."Walking away, Mason walked up to Nick, who stood up as he approached."That's one heck of a lock... Kellogg's got something to hide. Why don't you give it a try?""Lockpickin' ain't my thing," Mason told him before Jackson reached out his hand."Anyone got a couple bobby pins? We're still finding locked doors, safes, and chests all the time in Ashbourne, so I have a bit of experience picking them. Plus we occasionally relock extremely hard ones for practice.""Here you go," Mason said, pulling a few out and handing them to the man."Alright, let's see what we're working with," Jackson said, getting down to a knee as he looked at the lock. "This'll take me a minute. Talk to each other while I pick at it."Sighing, Mason turned to look at the town as Heather stood beside him."Everything alright?""Yeah, just thinkin'.""We're gonna catch him," Heather assured him. "And when we do, he'll pay.""But what are we gonna do after? What if he doesn't have Shaun? What are we gonna do?""Find out where he is? We'll find him. You don't have to worry," she said, placing a hand on his back as he leaned on the rail."I hope so. I fear what his mother would've thought. About what I've been doin'," Mason said, his voice starting to break. "I couldn't keep her safe. Merde.""It's going to be alright," Heather told him, starting to rub his back. "You feel like he's still out there, right? Then he's alive until you feel otherwise.""For all I know it's been fifty years since he was taken," Mason remarked. "After all, I was frozen for two hundred ten. It's not illogical.""Then we try to fix the Commonwealth. If anyone can, it's you."Looking out over the town, Mason wondered how Shaun would've found the place, taking deep breaths to keep himself calm until Jackson came up."Got it unlocked. Nick's already inside," he informed them before seeing that he was interrupting something. "I'll see you two inside."After he went in, Mason looked at Heather."Well, let's find the bastard who killed your sister.""Kellog must've left something behind. Let's take a look around," Nick said as Mason stepped inside."Alright. Jackson, check upstairs. Heather, check the over in the living area with Nick," Mason told them, heading towards the desk.Searching through the drawers, Mason didn't see anything, with Heather nor Nick finding anything, and Jackson coming up empty."There's gotta be somethin' we're missin'," Mason remarked, looking around the room. When he saw Jackson looking at the wall, he spoke up."Notice somethin', Jackson?""Well, in Ashbourne, my ancestors originally set up shop in a Department store. In one of the lower rooms, there was a hidden room that was opened by a button being pressed at one of the desks." Stepping up to the wall, Jackson placed a hand on it. "And I could've sworn this place seemed wider on the outside. Like the metal wall beside it was hiding something."Walking back over to the desk, Mason bent down and looked under the desk."By any chance, were the button's red with a yellow background?""They were red, but the background faded long ago. Why?"Looking at a button, Mason spoke up. "You may wanna back up. Just in case."Pressing it, the door to the room opened up, with the wall swinging upward."Well... that's one way to hide a room," Nick commented, following Jackson into the room. While Jackson and Nick were searching the shelves, with Heather checking the cabinets behind the chair, Mason looked down at the table beside a chair."Gwinnett Stout Beer... forty-four caliber bullets... cigars. 'San Francisco Sunlights.'""Interesting brand. Won't lead us anywhere on its own, though," Nick said, looking at the contents on the table."I wonder if Dogmeat could pick up the scent," Mason said, looking down at him."It's not a bad idea," Jackson commented. "Some dogs can track a man for miles.Hearing Dogmeat bark in excitement, Nick chuckled. "Well, Dogmeat seems eager for the job. Why don't you let him have a whiff? See if he picks up on the trail?" Looking down at Dogmeat one more time, Nick looked at Mason. "Uh, before you head out, uh... I know this is personal business. If you have to face Kellogg on your own, just say so. Besides, you already have plenty of company. We can't all go sniffing through the Commonwealth after one man.""The more the better," Mason remarked. "If he's as dangerous as he's been made out to be...""Well alright.""Before we go, we need to do a few things. Jackson, you and Heather go get the ammunition we'd need. 10mm, .45 rounds, and shotgun shells as you can get with this," Mason told them, pulling a pouch of caps out of his bag."We can probably buy almost the entire inventory with that," Jackson said, looking at the caps."If you have any left over, get some supplies. Nick, you and I are goin' to talk to the doctor about stimpaks."Stopping in the frame of the door, Mason looked at the others."Be ready. We don't know what we'll face.""So why'd you have me join you?" Nick questioned as they headed to the clinic. "It isn't like you didn't have enough people.""Because, Nick... I'm gonna need yours and Jackson's help with Heather," Mason remarked, Nick nodding as he realized who he was talking about. "Kellogg... she's got a bone to pick with him. And that's an understatement.""Not sure how I'd be of help. We don't exactly know each other.""Just... help Jackson, the man who's joinin' us, keep her out of the room.""Okay then. If you really need it, kid.""You don't look injured," the doctor said as Mason approached him. "How can I help you?""How many stimpaks can you spare?" Mason questioned, already taking his bag off. "They run for forty-eight caps. How many do you need?""How many do you have?""Twenty.""Well," Mason said, lifting three pouches onto the counter. "Time to start counting.""Twenty-one stimpaks, one-thousand-eight caps. Pleasure doin' business with ya, doc."Meeting up with Heather and Jackson in front of the noodle stand, Mason started the conversation."So, how much you guys get?""Got quite a bit of .45 rounds," Jackson told him. "It'll be useful for your rifle.""Also a couple 10mm rounds," Heather spoke up. "And fusion cells for my rifle.""They don't have anything I could use," Jackson remarked. "Good thing I always carry enough to last a while.""Alright then," Mason said, looking to Publick Occurrences. "Let's stop by Piper's real quick to put our armor on." Looking Jackosn up and down, he added, "Except you. Do you ever take that off?""Only in places I feel safe. This 'city' isn't one of them."As he was adjusting his chest plate, Mason looked to see Heather struggling a bit with her chest piece and approached her."Here," he said, adjusting the straps for her. "If you need help, just ask in the future.""I could've gotten it. No need to fuss.""I ain't fussin'. Just lettin' you know," Mason said, making sure the strap wasn't too tight. "It doesn't hurt to ask for help.""Says you," she grinned. "Always taking on larger opponents alone.""Don't I always win those fights?""That doesn't matter, does it? You still need help sometimes.""Fair enough. I'll try to keep that in mind. We'd have to train people first, wouldn't we?""What kind?""Strength, endurance... Marksman." Grabbing the metal arm guards from his bag, Mason began to put them on. "I will say this. The armor Mr. Carter repaired and fixed up seems lighter than it was.""Is that good or bad?""Depends on the materials. So far the metal seems stronger than it was, and the lense on the helmet is fixed, though I have no idea where he got the glass.""Hey, General," Jackson called out, approaching Mason with something in his hands. "Your gloves seem good, but only for keeping your hands warm. These should fit, and should provide better grip when you're using a knife. Also gonna brace your wrists when you're punching."Looking down at the gloves, Mason spoke to Jackson."Motorcycle gloves? Thank you.""I had an extra pair. Always carry them for some reason. Probably if mine get messed up.""Alright then." After putting the gloves on, Mason pulled the cigar from his bag, looking at everyone. "Everyone ready?" Receiving nods of confirmation, he bent down to Dogmeat, holding the cigar out. "Got the scent, boy?" Hearing a bark of confirmation, Mason's eyes narrowed, his fist clenching. Growling as he spoke, he put his helmet on as he said, "Take me to Kellogg, boy. Take me to that son of a bitch."

The General: ReunionsUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum