Chapter 4: The First Step Part 2

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While they were scouting out Corvega, Mason found a pipe that would lead to the bottom level.

"Careful," Mason remarked as they walked through the pipe, pulling his pistol out. "We know raiders are here, but I could've sworn I saw something else enter the pipes."

Mason saw something move ahead as they walked through the pipe and raised his weapon before it walked around a corner. He was about to lower it until he heard the sound of a turret firing. At first, he thought the turret had sensed them until he heard the sound of something hitting the turret. As bullets flew through the air, the bullets cracking with each shot, whatever was hitting it kept grunting.

Looking around the corner, Mason saw the turret explode and two walking dead people. Before the two creatures saw him, he aimed his weapon at the head of the nearest one. Pulling the trigger, the bullet pierced the creature's skull, alerting the other one of Mason's presence. Running forward, Mason didn't bother aiming as he slammed the grip of the weapon into its head, hitting it into a wall, the skull destroyed. Then, turning to Codsworth, he had him move somewhere out of place.

"Imma need you to stay here," Mason told Codsworth. "We don't have any repair kits. Don't want you falling apart while we're here."

"But sir, I believe I should come with you."

"I wouldn't fight well knowing I'd have to worry about you," Mason remarked, making Codsworth sigh in defeat.

"If you say, sir."

"Don't worry too much, Cods," Mason grinned, rubbing Codsworth's middle eye. "I got Casdin here watching my back."

Looking around, there were two raiders on the ground, their stomachs torn open by the creatures. After finding some ammunition on them, he stood up, took a deep breath, then turned to the hall. "Casdin, Dogmeat, let's get moving."

As they walked down the hall, Mason put his gun away as he smelled gasoline, pulling out a Molotov and lighter. Putting his back to the wall, he looked around the corner leading to a hallway with stairs, noting the gas on the ground. Guess they liked a dirty place. He was about to put the Molotov away until he heard a few people talking, and since they didn't sound bound or scared, could assume they were raiders. Lighting the rag, Mason threw the Molotov around the corner, igniting the gasoline.

"Fuck!" one of the raiders yelled as they burned. Mason walks forward, going past the hall going to a room with three raiders and a turret.

"Sayonara, taches de merde," Mason yelled as he threw a Molotov at the turret, hitting and lighting it on fire.

"Putain d'enfer!" Mason yelled as the turret began to fire. Getting behind a pipe, Mason pulls out his pistol, getting ready to fire. As soon as the turret stops firing, he turns around the corner and shoots the turret, making it explode.

"Why do turrets keep exploding!" Mason yelled as he shot a raider in the head before pulling out his switchblade and throwing it into the throat of another. He goes to fire at the last raider before seeing her head had been turned to ash.

"Because we keep blowing them up," Heather remarked, which made him chuckle.

"That's fair enough," Mason remarked as he collected the ammunition of the raiders. While searching the raider near the fridge, Mason hears growling.

"Ferals!" Heather yelled as she began to fire her rifle. Turning around, Mason has his pistol ready and goes to pull the trigger when Heather kills the last feral.

"Is that what those are called," Mason asks as he puts his weapon away. "I guess some still have working minds then."

Receiving a questioning look from Heather, Mason shrugs and walks out of the room through the set of double doors. Looking ahead, he saw a few raiders and crouched to move silently. As he walked up the stairs that led to the entrance, he put his pistol away and pulled out a rifle. After making sure it was loaded, he stood up and walked through a door, standing in front of a raider sitting at a desk.

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