So you tie up your hair and smile like it's no big deal

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I looked through the racks at the small dress store I was at. Most of the dresses where either really revealing or neon. I finally found a dress that I decently liked, but the main reason I picked it was because it was red.  I had to buy it with my emergency money, but oh well.

I went to go pay for the dress at the register and went back to the hideout

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I went to go pay for the dress at the register and went back to the hideout.  I didn't know what to do with my hair. My hair has this natural wave to it, so I could straighten it or I could put it in an updo.  I settled on a bun on the back of my head and some pieces to frame my face.

I checked the time and saw the I had to meet Eijiro at his aunts in an hour.  I started walking there and saw Eijiro waiting outside of the house for me.

" You clean up nicely," I said.

It was true.  He was in a black tux with a red tie and his hair was down.

" So do you," He said while looking at my dress.

He stuck out his arm for me," Shall we enter Milady?"

I laughed and took his arm,"  Why of course good sir."

Everyone was on the dance floor at the party.  Eijiro's aunt had a huge manor with a party room.

" Do you know how to dance?" He asked me.

" Not really," I said, " there isn't really a need to know how to dance when you're apart of the LOV."

" I'll teach you.  Put one hand on my shoulder and the other in my hand," He said while placing his hand on my waist.

He pulled me close to him.  He smelled faintly of cinnamon, but no the type of cinnamon candies that are too hot.  The kind that are gentle and that little kids would buy at the candy store with the spare change they found under the couch cushions. 

I felt my face flush with him being so close to me.  I liked that his hand was on my waist and I wanted it to stay like that.  I haven't felt like this before.  Was this what people with crushes feel like?

I looked up at Eijiro and he looked at me.  He looked like an angel.  A prefect and beautiful angel.

He started to move his face down to mine slowly.  He gently placed his lips on mine.  I moved my hand from his shoulder and placed it on the back of his head.  He moved both of his hands down to my hips.

He broke apart the kiss," Do you want to go somewhere more private?"

I nodded and he took my hand and brought me to a room upstairs.

" Is this your room?"  I asked.

He nodded," I stay here when my parents are out of town."

He took off his jacket and tossed it onto a chair and sat on the edge of his bed.

I stood awkwardly playing with one of my nails.

" You can sit down Mats," He told me.

I sat down next to him on his bed.

He moved one of pieces of my hair out of my face.
" Are we going to talk about it?"  He asked.

"What is there to talk about?  It was nothing."

I could tell I hurt him.  His face moved in a way only people that are upset move.  I made him upset.

He gingerly placed his hand on my thigh and started to play with the hem on my skirt. I moved my face to look at him. His lips looked so kissable and I just wanted to place mine on his while one hand was on my face and his other was on my thigh.

I changed my mine from those thoughts and stood up, " I should be going now, I don't want my brother to worry."

" Oh ok, do you want me to walk you down or the way?"

I shook my head, " I'll be alright, thanks for tonight Eijiro."

I walked out of the house and started on my journey back home.  I climbed back into my room and took of my dress.  I crawled under my covers and started to fall asleep.


" you'll do great things one day darling."

Matilda ( dabi sisters oc) ( Kirishima x oc)Where stories live. Discover now