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- nobody's pov

Eren was taken by reiner and berthold and is still uncousiness.

But sinds eren is a really great help to someday kill all the titans, commander erwin gave his whole team the order to save eren and get him bqck inside the walls no mather what.

Even if it means losing youre life.

Titans where everywhere, they where surrounded and it seemed like ther was no way out.

There where 10 people dead already and if this shit show goes any further the hwole team will be dead in 30 minutes.

Then, suddenly, a woman appeared behind the titans and killed five of them in a row.

Nobody seamed to know her and erwin confirmed that she isnt even a scout.

She did have odm gear on and a green cape like all the others but nobody has ever seen her.

She had long blond hair with bangs and big green eyes.

She was really beautyfull but all erwin cared about was her skilles and to accually get her on the team.

Within abouth 10 minuutes the mysterious woman littirally killed all the titans that where attacking the scouts.

The only titans that where still alive where attacking reiner his titan form for some odd reason, but that didnt matter as long as eren was still safe.

Just then eren regained consiusness and the woman emmediatly went to him to save him.

She sliced reiner his knees and with that he collapsed to the ground.

She quickley picked up eren and brought him to the scouts.

They all emmediatly took him and ran as fast as the horses could run back to the walls.

However, erwin stayed just a little longer to try and talk to the mysterious woman. But with no succes cuz she was gone.

Ai ajuns la finalul capitolelor publicate.

⏰ Ultima actualizare: Jan 02, 2023 ⏰

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