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Here we see everyone in hogwarts enjoying and we hear

"Where is potter is he is scared"

"HaHa he must be scared to show up"

"Yeah that must is a person who is only fame sucking person"

"Professor where is harry" dumbledore asked

"If he didn't came back then we have to release about his disappearance" dumbledore said

But before they could have said something they saw two blue and red dragon entered 

After these they all removed their when they see the flame disappeared and they see a person and after seeing him many pureblood and half blood gasped as they have known that person has being defeated by dumbledore and now he is back for revenge a...

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After these they all removed their when they see the flame disappeared and they see a person and after seeing him many pureblood and half blood gasped as they have known that person has being defeated by dumbledore and now he is back for revenge and he is known other than hadrian grindelwald

After these they all removed their when they see the flame disappeared and they see a person and after seeing him many pureblood and half blood gasped as they have known that person has being defeated by dumbledore and now he is back for revenge a...

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And now he had two pheonixes

And now he had two pheonixes

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After these dumbledore thought

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After these dumbledore thought

'How did he get to know about it'

After these he said

"So you finally got to know harry my boy" he said

"Don't you come near me you bastard"

"Harry potter" all of them gasped as he looks completely different from his other personality

"Yeah your so know harry potter but now I am different I am the grandson of first dark lord I am hadrian grindelwald" he said

After these draco said

"So what potter you are still a fame sucking person" he said

"Okay seriously malfoy let see what you can do I am going to win this tournament and ruin your life mark it heir malfoy your family is dead" he said

After these he left and then only mcgonagall asked

"Who had given you permission to get away from school without my permission" she said

At these he raised his eyebrow and said

"If you would have noticed professor I have came to ask you for help many times but you have not helped me like for example according to hogwarts book rule if student is not able to get his parents or guardian signature they are allowed to have their house head permission to get into hogsmeet but you denied me and like that I stop trusting you professor" he said

At these mcgonacall signed in defeat because what he is saying is true and then he said

"And professor now its grindelwald and now I am not a griffindor as your own house had kicked me out of the tower so you see about it" he said

At these mcgonagall got shocked and sit down quietly when suddenly snape said

"You are always a annoyance potter everytime doing something rediculous and just like your father creating trouble" he said

"Oh yeah and what you are a greasy bat who use to annoy people and use to show favaratism to your house and yeah you are an fucking idiot because of whom my mother died and you used to say you love her my father was right to bully you and whom you called a mudlood is the daughter of my grandfather and ravenclaw so do something to me and I will offically call a blood oath to you and no one can stop it snape" he said

At these snape got angry and he attacked him by saying 


At these hadrian quickly catched the spell with his wand and thrown his attack at him and like that he got injured and dumbledore tried to heal but nothing happen and he said

"Get away" he said

After these harry has started using the spell he learned in snape book

"Vulnera sanentur" he said

At these snape body started healing and he said

"Tell pope to give him blood replesing potion and other potions that are in the list for his recovery and he would be well till tomorrow" he said

At these all the professor were shocked and then he left

After these we see everyone there in great hall and the one that have betrayed and attacked are also scared as they know he will take revenge from them one way or the other and there we see draco who is thinking to talk to his father about this person grindlewald as he didn't about and pansy is scared because potter family is the one that has killed her relatives and all the other things

Here we see harry going towards the moaning myrtle and when she sees him she says

"Wait what is grindelwald doing here" she said

"Okay myrtle that is enough this is me harry" he said

After these he told her about the incident when he said

"~open~" in parseltongue

After these we see chamber getting opened and then he said

"~stairs~" in parseltongue

After these the stairs are formed and torchs has started burning and he left for the chamber and after 5 minutes he entered the chamber and see it is cleaned as he told dobby to clean the place and then he said

"~Talk to me slytherin greatest of the four~" he said

After these we see the mouth got open and came the basillisk as she has survived to his attack and afterward he had apolized to her and she said

"~So you finally came back~" she said

"~Yes now I am offically lord slytherin ~" he said

"~This is good now you are my master~" she said

After this he left towards the hole where there is a secret comparement and there is a bed with slytherin them and he heard

"Hello my grandson how are you doing" he asked

"I am doing well grandfather I just scared everyone out there" he said

"Oh that is very slytherin of you my grandson" he said

"Of course I have learned from the best" he said

After this he left to bathroom and got fresh and changed into green silk pajamas and said

"Good night grandfather" he said

"Good night grandson" he said

After this he turned off the light and salazar said

"Now where are you godric our card is still remaining and this time I will kick your ass"


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