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"Are you sure about this?" Hyperion asked, glancing over his shoulder.

"Positively," Cassiopeia replied with a grin. She cradled the glowing orbs of light against her chest, then looked at her brother. "Come on, let's get out of here before we get caught!"

"If you say so," he muttered. "I'm still not very on board with the idea of stealing from the King of Deadwood's Garden of Light. I could lose all my titles and land for this, you know."

"Pshaw," she easily said, lifting one shoulder in an eloquent shrug. "Radan is your best friend. He's not going to kill you or strip you of your titles for this."

"If he's my best friend, why can't we just ask him for living light?"

"That's boring," Cassiopeia bluntly stated. "Plus, you know he would never say yes."

Hyperion sighed, rolling his eyes. "So we steal? Cass, I don't know if you know this, but I have a son on the way."

"I know very well, Perry," his sister easily replied, ducking under a low branch. "But remember, you can't get in trouble if you never get caught."

"You expect that you won't get caught, exiting my Garden with your hands full of light?" a deep voice asked with faint amusement, and a tall fae with golden hair stepped out from behind a tree. He held a bow and had a quiver on his back, and five guards followed him, melding out from the trees. "I must say, Lord Hyperion, your sister is a very bad influence on you."

Cassiopeia's eyes widened and she took a nervous step back.

"It's her fault," Hyperion immediately said, nudging her forward with his foot. "Her idea. I didn't want to be here."

"Nuh-uh." She hopped back to hide behind her brother's tall frame. "He's your best friend."

Radan Everbright, King of the Deadwood, raised an eyebrow and looked at his red-haired friend. Hyperion sighed and bowed his head.

from 'and the deadwood burned', part 1 of 2
high likelihood of plot relevancy

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