Chapter 2

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The next day, at the end of  Professor Washington’s lecture, he told the student’s to stay.

“There’s one more assignment to complete on the topic at hand.”

Many groaned in frustration, others not even away. Hamilton was a bit different. He was a bit excited, a bit nervous for the assignment. Jefferson seemed to be one of the not too exhilarated.

“This project will require you to work in pairs, although two pairs can form a group with another,” The professor started. “I pick the pairs.”

If everyone wasn’t groaning before, they were now.

“It’s simple. Those you sit next to is your partner. I made sure everyone had one.” Professor Washington said, sounding quite proud of himself.

Hamilton was disappointed the second those words spewed out of his professor’s mouth. He remembered exactly who he was forced to sit next to, and  in no way was he pleased by it.


“Oh, you? Not Lee?” Jefferson asked, stunned.

“Well as you can see , there’s no one else I could possibly partner with.”  Hamilton  responded, referencing how he sat at the end of the row.

“Mr. Washington-”

“No. You cannot switch a partner. It’s about time you understand that you won’t always be partnered with people you like in a work environment. Now you may leave.”

Before Hamilton could even think of a response, Jefferson pulled him out the room by the wrist.
As soon as they were out, Hamilton yanked his hand from Jefferson’s.

“Hey, I was just trying to help,” Jefferson said dramatically. “Washington simply would not care whatever debate you’d try to form with him.”

Hamilton huffed, as he began to walk around campus.

“Where’re you going?” Jefferson asked, sounding genuinely concerned.


Jefferson followed Hamilton, still with a concerned expression. He noticed how he stayed up all night, trying to find something to do. He noticed how Hamilton paced in circles for no apparent reason, and constantly checked his phone as if he wanted to have something that needed to be done. He seemed more tired than usual.

When they got to the library, it seemed as if Hamilton memorized every section. He walked around without even having to look at the hanging signs.

It was quite a sight to see Jefferson and Hamilton not fight. It was something you’d only ever see in dreams. The two were surprisingly kempt while they worked, the two passing books to eachother as the other one typed on Hamilton’s laptop. 

After around an hour or so, Jefferson quickly became tired.

“Hey, Hamilton?”


Jefferson slowly got up from his chair before feeling something tug on his shirt.

“We need to finish it.” Hamilton said stubbornly, as he pulled his partner’s shirt slightly.

“We can finish it later,” Jefferson responded, sitting back down. “It’s not due for another week.”


Jefferson sighed as he continued to work on their project.

Only about twenty minutes later did he feel something fall upon his shoulder.

He looked to his side to see Hamilton, his eyes closed, looking as if he was in absolute bliss.

Jefferson wanted to say something, maybe even push him off his shoulder, but he couldn’t. Hamilton looked as if he hadn’t gotten a good night’s rest in months.  He just looked too sound.

Jefferson resisted the urge, and simply continued to work, but sleep’s temptation was too strong, and he slowly fell asleep as well.

.       .       .

“I’m sorry young man, but the library’s closing soon.” an elderly lady said, lightly tapping Jefferson’s shoulder.

“Oh, I’m sorry, miss.” He responded while getting up, causing Hamilton’s head to slowly fall onto the table.

Jefferson tried to put up the large amount of books before the woman interrupted him.

“It’s alright. Please just get yourself and this young man home.” The woman said, a smile appearing upon her face.

“Are you sure?” He asked.

The lady nodded.

Jefferson still felt quite tired himself, and he didn’t know how he could bring Hamilton back to the dorm.

“Hey, Alex?” He said, tapping Hamilton softly.


“We need to go.” Jefferson said, closing Hamilton’s laptop, placing it inside his computer bag.

Hamilton let a tired moan escape his lips.

Jefferson, clearly tired of Hamilton’s bullcrap, lifted him up, wrapping Hamilton’s hand around his own neck.

At first, when they began to walk out of the library, Hamilton was actually trying to walk, but after a few seconds, he became unresponsive.

Jefferson was almost as tired as Hamilton was, If that was possible. Still, he couldn’t force himself to wake Hamilton up fully. Who knew when the man would get sleep then?

He slowly lifted Hamilton up into a sort of bridal carry, although he seemed to be clinging onto Jefferson like a koala clinging to a eucalyptus tree.

The lady within the library smiled with her eyes as she muttered sweet things.

As soon as Jefferson got inside of his dorm room, he laid Hamilton down on his bed. Despite how he looked, He wasn’t all too light.

Jefferson felt warmth when he looked at Hamilton. It wasn’t something he usually felt. He felt excited wondering when their next debate would be. Even watching him get the sleep he needed made his cheeks flush.

Word count: 870

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