desolate tokyo

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You remembered the day that you met the enigma named Chishiya Shuntaro. He was a medical student at your mother's hospital. You met him months before the events of being transported into the borderlands.

"Y/N, dear!" Your mother, Sato Izumi, smiled at you when you walked through the doors of Tokyo Hospital.

"Hi Mom," You greeted her with a smile back. You soon noticed the younger man next to her, and you tilted your head curiously. "Who's this?"

"This is my intern, Chishiya Shuntaro. Chishiya, this is my beloved daughter, Y/N," Your mother introduced.

"Hello," You bowed to Chishiya and he bowed back to you, acknowledging you in return.

Izumi let out a smile as she glanced at the two of you, "I was hoping you two would get to know each other since you two are about the same age. Chishiya's older by a few months, though."

"Mom, are you implying I'm a loner?" You asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Of course not, darling," She replied with a smile but gave Chishiya a look, meaning to say she meant the opposite.

Chishiya let out a small chuckle, which garnered your attention. You unintentionally let out a smile at him, and your mother did not let that go.

"Chishiya, Y/N, how about you two go out for lunchtime?" She asked. "I'm still busy with paperwork, so I won't be able to join you."

"But I just got here," You pouted at her.

"It's not like I'm leaving the hospital anytime soon," Izumi replied with a look. "Go on! If you dilly dally any longer, lunchtime will be over!"

"Okay, okay," You sighed, putting up your hands in surrender.

"Shall we, then?" Chishiya asked, gesturing towards the entrance of the hospital.

"Sure," You nodded and walked out of the hospital with him. "So, what do you want to eat?"

"I don't have a preference," Chishiya answered. "Do you prefer tea or coffee?"

"I like tea," You replied. "You?"

"Me too," Chishiya said.

"That's another thing in common," You smiled at him.

"What's the first?" He asked, looking at you.

"My mom," You grinned. "Oh, look! Here's a teahouse."

Chishiya pushed open the door, gesturing for you to head inside first. You thanked him with a smile before you went to the table by the corner. Chishiya sat down opposite of you and soon, a worker came and placed the menu for the two of you.

"I'll have the Earl Grey tea and the sandwiches," You said with a smile.

"Hojicha tea with dorayaki," Chishiya ordered and passed the menu back to the worker. You did the same and the worker soon left to get started with your orders.

"So, what do you do for a living? I mean, besides being my mom's surgical intern?" You asked. "I heard you only became her student two months ago. What were you doing before then?"

"Before I moved to the University of Tokyo Hospital, I used to work at Sakurazawa University Hospital," Chishiya replied. "I didn't like it there so my father recommended me to your mother and since then, I've been her student. As for what I do... I do nothing much. I've been studying medicine for as long as I knew. I'm following in my father's footsteps. What about you?"

"I'm still unemployed right now," You admitted with a sheepish smile. "My mother's the Head of the Surgery Department at the University of Tokyo Hospital and my dad's the General of the Japanese Army."

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