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(I'm back I think

Idk if people are really hyped for this one but meh, it's gonna be a quick story. Just a lil somethin I'm getting out while working on other stuff)

The next day, I wake up to another agonizing bout of throwing up. The flower petals coming out are still the same golden poppy petals, but they are so coated in blood I can barely tell. Eventually Louisiana and Tennessee show up at my house to prepare me to die.

"Tex... you need to spend as much time with Cali as possible... I know you... you might not make it so... just hang in there," Louisiana says. I just nod. Tennessee looks like he's fighting tears.

"Texas... w-what... what are we gonna do...," Tennessee sobbed. I hug him close.

"It'll be ok... just don't forget me...," I say. Tennessee wraps his arms around me as he cries.

"Should we... should we let everyone know you might not live much longer?" Louisiana says dryly.

"No... no... I wanna wait... I still feel ok... not good... but I can still breath ok... I think we should wait 'till I'm bed-ridden to tell everyone I probably won't make it...," I say. Tennessee sobs loudly, and I try and whisper encouraging words to him... I knew he wouldn't take this news well.

"Cali has to fall in love with you Tex... he... he has to...," Tennessee cries.

"Shhh... we'll see, ok? Just don't worry... y'all will be fine without me-,"

"N-no... I don't wanna think about you j-just... just leaving... and... god, I can't even imagine being ok with it," Tennessee whispered shakily.

"I know... Cali said he and I could ride across the countryside sometime soon... heh... it might b-be... a nice way to go...," I say, the weight of the situation hitting me as I choke on sobs rather than petals for the first time in a while.

"Tex... I'm getting you and Cali some horses... y'know... you still could have a chance with him, riding along a silent countryside... a-and if not... you can still say you got to do something that beautiful... before... b-before...," Louisiana breaths, in a rare display of emotional anguish.

"I know... thank you...,"

"Cali, are you sure this is a good idea?" New York asked, as me and Cali pack the last of our stuff up for the long journey ahead.

"It's ok Yorkie, I can handle it," California says sweetly, however he smirks at me and rolls his eyes. I stifle a chuckle, but I really can't stand how New York is pulling California into an amorous hug... like they're... dating or something....

I cough some petals out into a napkin.... Is this a bad idea...?

We wave goodbye to our friends as we begin our journey, just chatting to each other casually... well, honestly, California is doing most of the talking. I don't mind though, he tells stories with the most enticing enthusiasm and intricately descriptive language... it's like listening to an audiobook, or guided meditation. I almost am caught off guard when he addresses me by name.

"Texy, you ok? You look a bit... out of it...," California said, no doubt worried about me. I think he suspects I have some kind of disease... but it's not like I can tell him.

"I-I'm ok... um.... New York seemed upset about you and I doing this... is he... protective?" I ask. California smiles in a coy kinda way, as if sarcastically implying that 'protective' is the nice way to put it.

"He likes to think we're dating," California said. I try to casually hide the fact I'm choking by just clearing my throat, holding the petals in my mouth. "Heh... I.... I kinda hate that about him."

"You two aren't dating," I state rather than ask. I mean, It's not like I'm saying something California doesn't agree with, and he nods solemnly.

"The thing is, he never really asks me out or even acknowledges me as his 'boyfriend'... but he still flirts with me... like... I'd hate to compare him to this... but y'know those guys who think women should grovel at their feet, just because they're 'nice guys'?" California asks.

"An incel?"

"Oh jeez... I really really hate saying that about him-,"

"You should hate when he acts like one more,"

"... Heh, you're right... I guess I just feel awkward rejecting someone who never technically asked me out... I know that if I told him I wasn't interested, he'd fall back on the 'I never said I wanted to date you,' excuse," California said. I just gaze at him, before sneakily spitting out the flower petals in my mouth by pretending to heave out a sigh, facing away from him.

"I'm sorry... it's probably frustrating being around someone like that," I say.

"Yeah... he always gets disappointed when I hang out with guys other than him, too... the only reason he was kinda ok with us going on this trip together was because I had to hammer the fact you were straight into his brain-,"

"Oh, unfortunate...,"


"U-Um... I-I..... gay...," I stutter. We're both silent for a moment, before bursting out into laughter.

"You gay? I gay too!" California joked. I smile at him, and he smiles back... and for a second, I really feel ok.

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