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(Oh btw, California is described in so much loving detail in this lmao

My Californian friend @hellllllnah can't stop simping for SH Texas so I guess I'll return the favor!)

I quickly get out of the shower, still spitting out poppy petals. I get dressed as quick as I can, and grab my phone.


L: Well obviously! I picked up the phone!

T: Louis, you have to come over... RIGHT NOW...

L: Hold on, is everything ok?

T: Please Louisiana, please, you need to hurry-

L: Hold on! Tell me what's wrong first!

T: I just coughed up flower petals

L: shit... shit... ok, lie down, I'll be there as soon as I can!

T: ok...

I go to my living room and lie down on my couch... fuck... my throat hurts so bad...

I feel more petals in my mouth, and I pull them out with my fingers... I study them close... some of the petals have splotches of blood on them...

A few minutes later I hear a knock on the door, and I run to let Louisiana inside. He's carrying a book bag and some various medicines...

"Lie down! Lie down!" Louisiana exclaims, urging me back to my couch. He flips through an old, well-kept book, muttering to himself. "Hanahaki... Tex, who's the girl? We need to find her... if we don't deal with this now, you'll die-,"

"Wh-what?! What the fucks happening?!" I cry.

"Just tell me who she is Tex, right now," Louisiana says urgently. I give him an exasperated look. I called him over because he knows all about these weird magical diseases, but he's acting like I should understand what he's talking about?!

"Louis, tell me, what's happening?!" I exclaim. Louisiana stares at me intensely, but seems to recognize my confusion.

"Texas... you have Hanahaki... because you are experiencing one-sided romantic love. So please, tell me who the girl is... we need to fix this as soon as we can," Louisiana says. I stare at him blankly...

There's no girl I'm in love with, is there?

I have barely even talked to any girl I haven't considered to be like a sister to me... and even then, they were all just friends....

But suddenly I realize....


Oh god, no...

"C-Cali...," I whisper.

"Hm?" Louisiana said, not hearing me.

"No... oh god, it can't be him...," I sob, hiding my face. Louisiana pulls my arms, revealing my watering eyes and pulling me into a sitting position, as he stared deep into my soul.

"Texas, I care about you. You are one of my closest friends, and I'm not letting you go so easily. I don't give a shit if it's embarrassing, complicated, or straight-up hopeless. Tell me who it is," Louisiana says coolly. I take a deep shaky breath, before coughing up a few more petals...

"California," I breath. Louisiana has an unreadable expression as he nods and flips through his book.

"Good... he's gay, right? This is good... I'm not super close with him, but I can get him in love with you in no time...," Louisiana said.

"H-huh?! Seriously? Is there nothing else we can-,"

"The only other option is surgery. Unless you want to loose all propensity for emotions, you need to get Cali to fall in love with you," Louisiana said blatantly.

Poppy (SH CalTex)Where stories live. Discover now