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"I still can't believe we have tickets to go see Nsync" Gloria said exited as she walked out of the canje the boys would be performing next week. "Thanks to your dad."

"I know, my dad really came through with these tickets for my birthday." She smiled, looking down at her hands. Holding both tickets between her fingers. For months she had begged her dad to buy her the tickets as a birthday gift. Sydney who was a long time best friend was also a big fan of them.

The difference between both girls was that Gloria had a different lifestyle than Sydney. Gloria had never experienced life but what her parents had shelter and given her since birth. Gloria was a brunette with a tall and slim figure. Her dad was the owner of the stadium who had gotten them tickets and backstage passes as a gift.

Sometimes their worlds would collide but they always found a way to get along. Sydney was a middle class girl who only lived with her mom. She had lost her father due to cancer a year ago. It was a long and hard process in both ends. She loved her father more than anything in the world, and seeing him ill broke her heart in millions of pieces.

Sydney's wish was to hear the song Sailing live. That song had a lot of meaning to her. It brought her peace and tranquility. The song reminded her a lot of her father. It was became her comfort song, after her father passed away. She would believe that one day she would sail away to the place of never never land to meet her father once again.

"Gloria. do you think, my work is going to let me take the day off?"

"Oh, honey, just don't go" her friends suggested like nothing. "¿What? Gloria, I can get fired" she shook her head in disbelief. Gloria had never worked in her life, or earn a paycheck.

"Then you get a new job. Easy as that" she giggled "it's not that easy. I really need the money too. I need to pay off my second semester of college"

"You need that day off Sydney. It's my birthday, and you can't miss it."

Sydney was upset at the situation. She had been waiting for this day to come badly, and wanted it with no one else but her best friend. Gloria's happiness was her happiness as well. But she really needed her job.

As the day came closer, Sydney didn't get the day off. Her manager had told her to do a double shift that specific day. It almost sounded like she was getting punished by the world. Gloria was heartbroken after Sydney told her about the situation.

"Hey honeymoon" said Gloria with a smile across her face as she walked in her friends work. "¿Hey?" She looked at her confused "¿what are you doing here? You're supposed to be at the concert already"

"Oh, I know, so come on." She grabbed her wrist pulling her out of her space "Gloria, I can't. I have work"

"Daddy called your manager earlier. Being rich comes in handy all the time. They ended up giving you the afternoon off so come on, let's go" she said excited, pulling her friend away from the cash register. "¡Let me clock out!"

As much as said Gloria was a snobby rich girl she did have a sensitive side for Sydney not for feeling sorry but for always being her best friend. She had met a lot of people that were only friends with her because of her money. But Sydney was never like that.

She had bought her clothes for the concert. All Sydney needed to do was go change before the show started. They quickly ran to the restroom and started to get ready. Sydney changed to a different pants and shirt while Gloria fixed her make up.

Less than 15 minutes they were at their seats waiting for the show to start. Both girls were nervous, they were finally going to see them. Sydney looked around the stadium. It was memorable, to see so many people in one place for 5 guys that would probably never know of their existence.

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