Chapter 12: Unreadable Expression.

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(get ready for chapter 13 and 14 lmao, warning! yoriichi is horny at the end and has some explicit ideas)

It was the next day and you were just laying on the couch of your living room, "...I miss him..." you spoke out as you were starting to miss Yoriichi, it was 4:06 pm and he doesn't come home until 7 pm. You let out a grumble as you were bored out of your mind, you couldn't come help with Akaza's ramen shop since Yoriichi told you he had a surprise for you tonight and he doesn't want you to miss it. Yoriichi scolded you yesterday because you took 2 hours before you could come to him and your siblings. Yoriichi told you that your siblings wanted to greet you and kept waiting for you, it didn't take long until the two managed to fall asleep in the car.

You reassured him it wasn't your fault! Besides, you felt safe leaving your siblings to Yoriichi because you trust him.

"Maybe I should take a stroll around the neighborhood..." you mumbled as you slowly got up, you then headed inside the walk-in closet to change into a more comfortable outfit. You thought of heading towards the park to get some fresh air. You wore a light blue skirt that was a little above your knees, you partnered it with a slightly loose sweater that was white. You finished it all off with some 2-inch heels and some accessories. You wore subtle makeup and fixed your hair a little, you soon grabbed your purse as you were getting ready to leave.

You try to take in and appreciate your surroundings, the cold wind hitting your face and the quiet yet relaxing ambiance in the neighborhood... You loved it. Maybe you really needed this walk- "Miss?" someone called out to you, 'Great... And I haven't even arrived at the park yet...' you mentally let out a sigh. You turn around to see that it was the detective from last time, "I'm sure you remember me." he gave you a small smile.

"Oh... Right umm... Mr. Kibutsuji...?" You spoke out, a little unsure. "Yes, I'm glad you remember my name! My deepest apologies for bothering you, but we have an ongoing investigation... And you are the only one in this neighborhood willing to cooperate... May I borrow a little bit of your time?" Muzan asked, his aura basically telling you not to refuse. 'Well... Whatever maybe after this I can peacefully relax at the park.' You thought. You gave him a small smile, "Of course." you replied.

"Thank you, shall we head to a nearby cafe? It'll be much more comfortable than talking in the middle of the street." he let out a dry chuckle. You were a little hesitant, "Alright." you replied as you followed him. He lead you to a nearby cafe, the situation felt awkward as the two of you sat down and ordered your drinks. "So Ms...?" Muzan started off, trying to get to know your name.

"Mrs. Tsukiguni." you corrected him, "Y/n Tsukiguni." you added.

There was a moment of silence before he spoke up, "Mrs. Tsukiguni, I would like to ask you questions, I request that you... answer them honestly." Muzan spoke out as he let out a smile.

-Time Skip-


Yoriichi tapped on the steering wheel of his car as he hummed the song on the radio. The radio was playing 'Can't Help But Falling In Love' by Elvis Presley. He couldn't wipe the smile on his lips off of his face, he was excited to pick you up for your birthday dinner. He had it all planned out! He reserved the whole place of a famous restaurant so that it could just be the two of you.

Maybe when the two of you got home he could use that on you.

If you weren't in the mood though, he doesn't mind and wouldn't coerce you into it. He glanced at his watch to see that it was 6:47 pm. He intentionally got off early at work just for you.

He picked up his phone and started to call you, after a few rings you picked it up. "Hello? Yoriichi?" you spoke out, "Y/n, are you at home?" he asked. "Umm... No, I'm at a cafe, you know the one in front of the blue building? Wisteria Cafe?" you asked as he hummed in response. "I'm almost there actually, why are you there?" he asked. "Remember the detective I told you about? Detective Kibutsuji?" as soon as that nome rolled off your tongue, he made an abrupt stop in his car.

Yoriichi's demeanor quickly changed, he grits his teeth in anger. "He kept asking me questions about our neighborhood. I honestly tried to leave but he wouldn't let me, and based off of his questions I think that he thinks that the Hashira lives in our neighborhood." you whispered in the last sentence. "...I see." he replied, his tone changed. "I'll be right there, don't worry." Yoriichi told you before he hung up.

-Back To You-

You stared at your phone for a moment before putting it back in your purse. "Was that your husband?" Muzan asked as you walked towards your seat, "Ah yes, he's picking me up. I'm sure you've gathered all the information you need, right?" you asked, there was a short silence before he spoke up. "Of course, I give you my utmost gratitude." he smiled. Muzan then saw a tall man enter the cafe, he had long hair and a scar on his forehead... 'It must be her husband...' Muzan thought as he got up to escort you.

Before Muzan could even get close to you, Yoriichi was quick to rush by your side, you let out a gasp as you looked to your side to see who it was. Your panic soon turned into relief as it was Yoriichi, he wrapped an arm around your waist. "I didn't know that detectives had the time to... Interrogate a citizen for God knows how long..." Yoriichi let out a small smile, "My apologies, this is just a case that needs urgent attention." Muzan replied. "I believe I haven't properly introduced myself, my name is-" Muzan was cut off by him. "No need for formalities, I'm aware of your name." Yoriichi told him. There was some tension in the air, "Well then, I'll take my leave. Thank you for the big help Y/n." Muzan told you as he left.

Yoriichi's grip on you tightens.

"Y-Yoriichi..." You squeaked, his facial expression blank... basically unreadable. Yoriichi snapped out of his thoughts as he looked at you with a small smile. "Shall we get going?" He asked in his usual tone of voice.

-Time Skip-

Yoriichi stared at the ceiling of your bedroom, you were sleeping as your head was resting on his chest. The two of you finished dinner about two hours ago, you felt very tired went you both got home though so Yoriichi suggested that you both should just head straight to bed. Yoriichi was proud that you were happy but... he couldn't shake off the feeling of jealousy... He slowly looked at you, Yoriichi caressed your cheek, his thumb lingering until it arrived at your lips.

His eyes focused on your lips, could he kiss you right now even though you were asleep? He wanted to touch you so bad... He even tried to masturbate in the shower but it wasn't enough! He needed to be inside your cunt, to feel your walls squeezing his cock. You screaming his name out of pleasure was all he wanted to hear... Heck, you could just allow him to eat you out and he'd be the most satisfied man tonight, the only downside was that he won't be stopping. Just the taste of you puts him in pure bliss... Not only that but Yoriichi wanted to leave marks on your body and he's gonna make sure that those marks are visible.

Yoriichi grits his teeth, he hated the way Muzan's eyes lingered on your body, he could tell that Muzan was attracted to you. Yoriichi was baffled by Muzan's actions, there was no way that was how a detective would treat a civilian with information... he knows you weren't willing to do it... Heck! You even told him that Muzan wouldn't let you go!

Maybe... Marking you isn't enough... He should just... Fuck you raw and get you pregnant.

But no, he's better than that... Yoriichi respects that you aren't ready for that yet and well... Has special condoms that can help him anyway. 'All that effort... Everything I did to get to be by your side... Just to be your husband... I... I don't regret it.' Yoriichi thought. 

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