Chapter 8: Lies.

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"Haa... That detective sure is annoying..." Yoriichi mumbled as he quietly entered the house, he walked towards the bathroom to remove his clothes, "Did I reserve a table for a restaurant for Y/n's birthday...?" he commented as he tried to remember whether he did. "Oh right... I did. Phew... I thought I forgot to... Her birthday is next week... I'll make her happy on her birthday..." Yoriichi smiled at the idea of making you happy on your birthday, he hoped that you would love his surprise for you.

He slowly removed his top, revealing his toned abs... He had some scars on his abs which probably resulted from his training. He can't be so good at fighting and killing without any training or practice you know! But damn is his scars hot... Attractive... He threw his top on a basket and soon removed his pants. Goddamn! I am telling you, readers... This man is PACKING, if only you could see what I can see right now... Oh... You bitches are going to be jealous... Oh, Lawd have mercy... I'm about to- *Ehem* Sorry, this narrator is a horny simp.

Yoriichi threw the pants in the basket, "Hmm... Luckily I don't seem to have any blood on my clothes... I don't have to worry about Y/n seeing any blood..." He mumbled as he left the bathroom with nothing but his underwear. He was about to go grab his pajamas but he soon heard a faint groan, he quickly headed towards the bedroom to check up on you. He quietly opened the door and let out a sigh of relief to see that you were still sleeping. Yoriichi was about to close the door but he heard another groan, "No..." you whispered. He paused and started to listen to your sleep talk, "I..." you whimpered, "...Stop... It..." you cried out. That was the last straw, he quickly ran up to you.

He gently shook your body to wake you up, "Y/n..." he called out your name. "Y/n, wake up." he repeated. You gasped for air as your eyes shot open, you clutched on whatever was near you... Which was Yoriichi. You gasped for air, you couldn't breathe properly. "Hey... hey... Calm down Y/n. Breath..." he calm voice relaxed you as your breathing slowed down. "T-Thank you..." you stuttered, you grasped his bare chest. There was a moment before you realized... 'Wait... Bare chest...?' You slowly looked at Yoriichi. You looked at him with curious doe eyes, "Yoriichi... Why are you... naked?" you sleepily asked him.

His eyes widened as he realized that he was still wearing nothing but his boxers. He slowly averted his eyes from you, "There was... Just an emergency at the company. A prototype had been stolen so I had to leave... I'm sorry for not informing you..." he told you. "Oh... That's fine... C-Can I hug you while I sleep tonight...?" you asked. "That's fine but... Let me go wear some pants first." he commented, you let out a small giggle.

You watched him as he left, but you were quick to look away from him as your eyes looked down to his... *Ehem* What you didn't notice though, was a small smile Yoriichi wore when he noticed that you got embarrassed. 'Cute...' He thought. You waited for a minute, you soon see that he came back with some pants on but no top. You were too sleepy to comment about it though, Yoriichi laid beside you. You rested your head on his chest, his scent intoxicating you... He always had this specific cologne that smelled like the forest... The smell of damp wood and moss mixed with rain... Not only that but it had a hint of this sort of flowery scent... And you loved it.

But this time, his scent had another faint metallic scent mixed with it. You assumed that the scent was from the company, where some of the prototypes are... KNYTech Industries' products are only technological devices though, but it was mostly cameras.

Yoriichi is... Warm. His body was warm... His arms soon wrap around you. You snuggled up to his warmth... You loved this small gesture... Of comfort.

*Ba-dump* *Ba-dump*

That was the sound of his calm heartbeat... It relaxed you... And even if there was nothing but silence, and all you could hear was that you didn't mind at all. Yoriichi... At first, his presence made you alert but now it was the opposite. His presence made you feel calm, and relaxed... You soon felt something touch your hair, you looked up to Yoriichi who seemed to be playing with your hair. You let out a giggle, but he only gave you a small smile. This peace... This comforting silence... You loved all of it. You wished it would stay this way... Oh poor you... You never knew what was coming.

'This comfort... This warmth... It was something I wish had happened to me earlier...' Your heart felt heavy at the thought... you knew that you were really falling for him.

-Time Skip-

Today, you were at the building of KNYTech Industries, you were hoping to deliver Yoriichi's lunch since he forgot it again. "Have you heard about the Detective that got beaten up by the Hashira? Shit's fucking hilarious...!" A worker laughed, "Yeah! It was all over the news this morning! This is what they get for trying to stop a hero." the worker's companion replied. "Oh... Was it about that Kibutsuji guy...?" you mumbled. "Oh! Hello Mrs. Tsukiguni!" The guard from before greeted you, "Ah! Hello... Umm... You're name is...?" you asked. "Ah! It's Kyojuro Rengoku!" the guard replied, you gave him a small smile. "It's nice to formally meet you... Can I address you as Kyojuro?" you asked. "Of course, you can Mrs. Tsukiguni!" he reassured you and smiled at you, you felt blinded as his smile is as bright as the sun.

"Well... Is Yoriichi busy?" Kyojuro is soon deep in thought, "Hmm... Around this time is where his meetings would be finished. You could come inside and ask the front desk the way to his office." he suggested. "Alright, thank you... Oh! Right! How is the stolen prototype?? Has it been reported to the police? Or was it found? Or...?" you asked him, Kyojuro looked at you with a confused facial expression. "There weren't any stolen prototypes Mrs. Tsukiguni. Your husband is very strict when it comes to security... Who did you hear that from?" He laughed.

'What...? Did he... Lie to me...?' you thought.

"Y/n?" a familiar voice spoke out, you looked to see Yoriichi with his secretary. You didn't greet him with a smile, you instead greeted him with a glare. 'He's got some explaining to do.' you thought as Yoriichi looked at you with a confused facial expression. 

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