Chapter 6: Ramen Shop.

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And here... We have the prototype of the camera... It still glitches a little bit and the video part is a huge problem." One of the workers spoke out, Yoriichi looked at the prototype. "Hmmm.... Well, it is progress." Yoriichi commented. Yoriichi was the soon-to-be CEO of KNYTech Industries. The company specializes in technological stuff like tvs and Cameras. The company is most known for its cameras and now they are working on a camera that does both videos and pictures.

"Mr. Tsukiguni." a female voice spoke out, Yoriichi turned to see Yui. "Your Father calls for you." she added. "Ah... Alright, thanks for telling me." he replied. He soon headed to where his father was, 'I wonder what she's doing...' he thought. 'I should go buy her some *Favorite candy* since she seems to love that...' he thought, with a small smile plastered on his face. While Yoriichi couldn't hide his smile, Yui stared at him. It was unclear if it was out of jealousy...


"Another bowl please!" A customer spoke out, "Hey! Waiter!" another customer chirped. 'Wow... His ramen restaurant sure is thriving... I'm happy for him.' you thought as you entered the restaurant. Where were you right now? Well, you were at a ramen shop of one of your closest friends. You just finished your groceries and haven't had lunch yet, you thought why not stop by and visit him. As you looked around his small restaurant, you were quickly noticed by him.

"Ah! Y/n... Welcome!" You looked to see Hakuji, or Akaza as you called him. You let out a small chuckle, "You seem to be very busy." you commented, "Yeah... There are quite several customers during this time." he chuckled, "Ah, go ahead and take a seat." he added, you nodded as you took a seat. You watched him as he served customers, it felt like yesterday when the two of you were coworkers. The two of you used to work together, along with Koyuki, his wife.

Koyuki soon approached you, you couldn't help but notice her slightly big belly, You let out a gasp in shock. "Koyuki you're pregnant?!" You spoke out, She let out a chuckle and nodded. "Congratulations to both of you..." you smiled at her. "Thank you Y/n." she replied as she sat next to you, She then noticed your wedding ring. "Oh~ You're married? What's your husband's name? I can't believe we weren't invited to the wedding." she commented. "Well... It was an... Arranged marriage..." you replied. Her eyes widen, "Oh! Um...! I- I'm sorry Y/n-" you cut her off. "No worries, we get along quite well." you replied.

"Anywho... What do you have on your menu?" you added. "Oh right! Thanks for reminding me what I came here for." she chuckles as she hands you the menu. You soon told her your order to which she told Akaza. As you were waiting for your order, you and Koyuki were talking, that is until the news said something. "We wonder... Is the 'Hashira' a hero or just a murderer?" a newscaster spoke out. "Pfft... That's simple! He's a hero! He's giving justice! Fuck those corrupted bastards and criminals!" one of the customers commented. "Right?? The Hashira is the bringer of justice!" another one chirped.

You soon notice Akaza approach you both, He rolls his eyes at the news. "Hero? What a joke." he huffed. "Is playing God bringing Justice? What if the ones he killed are soon revealed to be innocent? This is just Death Penalty, with a few extra steps..." he commented. "You don't seem to support the Hashira." you chuckled, "Of course! The only ones who are sane wouldn't support him, things aren't always black and white. As if once you kill a criminal the world is suddenly all rainbows and unicorns, even if the Hashira kills a hundred of them, their number would remain the same." he added. You were the opposite of Akaza, you supported the Hashira but you just decided to shut your mouth.

-Time Skip-

You soon hear the door unlock and creak open, you didn't look to see who it was but you already knew it was Yoriichi, he was back from his work. "Welcome home Yoriichi." you spoke out as your eyes were focused on the food you were cooking. It was night time and you would always make dinner for him, "How was your day?" he asks as he places a plastic bag filled with candy you liked on the coffee table, "It was the same as usual..." you chuckled, "How about you? How was work?" you ask, you hear his footsteps frow closer. "Well... We're making progress on the upcoming product." he replied.

You flinched as you felt his body pressed against your back. You could barely feel his chest... His abs... How you wished your bodies would also be close down be- 'Ooookaayy!! Enough of that thought.' you thought, brushing away impure thoughts. You could feel your cheeks heating up over how close he was, "What are you cooking?" he asks as he places his hands on your shoulders, peering at what you were cooking from behind you. "It's *insert dish*." you replied. "It smells good..." he mumbled.

"Of course! Be...cause... Oh my god! Your hand is bleeding!" you shrieked as you had turned around to see his hand wet from blood. He glances at his hand, 'I must've gotten this when I killed that guy... He was good at using a knife...' he thought. "Go sit on the chair! I'll grab the first aid kit!" you told him as you used your strength to push him to the chair. He did as you told him, he watch you go to the bathroom and come back with the first aid kit. You placed the first aid kit on the table and started to tend his wound.

He watched you as you clean up and tend his wound, "You seem experienced..." he commented. "Ah! Well... My little brother plays baseball and he would come home with bruises, cuts, or both. I thought why not just learn the basics so I could help him while scolding him." you laughed as you joked about the scolding part, he chuckled at your statement. Soon, silence ensued as he watch you tend his wound. Your face was filled with focus, he found it adorable... With you taking care of him... He...

He sometimes... Yoriichi wonders if you remember him or you completely have forgotten him...


"Fuck... Another one dead..." a police officer mumbled as she stared at the dead body, "Who is it this time?" a male voice asks. "Oh! You scared me... Are you the detective the chief told us about?" She asks, the detective nodded. "Ah... Alright then... Well, it seems like he was murdered by what we assume is a Katana based on his wounds... Whoever this Hashira guy is, they seem to be experienced with the sword..." she commented. "The victim this time is a Cop... But upon further investigation, this bastard seemed to be getting bribes from drug dealers." she added.

"Huh... Seems like your division isn't so clean." The detective commented, the police officer only rolled her eyes, "Well... If you need more information, you can read this." She handed the detective papers containing more information. "Oh right! I haven't gotten your name... My name is Moira Takeuchi, yours is...?" she asks as she held out her hand for a handshake.

"Muzan Kibutsuji." he replied. 

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