Prologue part 1

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Hello and welcome to the prologue of this story :)
I hope you will enjoy it :
(Y/n) POV:
Hello, my name is (y/n), I'm 18 and I am a human, yes I know what you are thinking "because there is something else than human haha?" well actually yes there is something else, there are werewolf, vampires, dragons and all other kinds of supernatural creatures.

At first, problems erupted when ill-intentioned individuals decided to use supernatural creatures as pack dogs.
The military was no better than trying to recruit and forcing these "phenomena" as they called them.
It was at this moment that a war between humans and the supernatural broke out. This war had caused
enormous material damage and lives in both camps. In the end, four years after the beginning of the war, it stopped, peace was signed with both sides and everything went back to the way it was before, or that's what we thought.
Supernatural beings but also humans were still engaged in a kind of war, some formed groups of wolves and other supernatural creatures to attack humans and vice versa, which resulted in an increase in human mortality and the creation of hunting groups that hunted supernatural creatures that were considered too dangerous either because they were addicted to murder or because they were going crazy.

Ilost my parent at the age of sixteen because of one of these supernatural creatures, and I still remember it very clearly...

Flashback:16 years old

(Y/n) POV:

(M/n): (y/nnnn) come down here sweetie, please

Y/n: *Sigh* (again with their damn business )
I go down the stairs and see my parents in the living room when I see them, they have big baggage.

(D/n) : " hello daughter, your mother and I have to go to a meetins, don't sleep too late and forget your-"

(Y/n) : "yeah yeah I know just go already"

(M/n) : "my baby are you okay?"

(Y/n): *I glare a bit at her* " stop calling me that I'm not eight anymore! "

(Y/n) : *at this point I was releasing all my frustration and anger on them* "like what, how do I fucking talk to her huh, you're barely around anymore, you guys always leave me to go to your "meetings" before you were having a meeting once a week now it's almost every freaking day, be honest huh, YOU JUST WANT TO LEAVE ME RIGHT AFTER ALL I'M A MISTAKE RIGHT MOM AND DAD?! I HATE YOU! DON'T EVEN DARE TO

*my eyes widen when I see my mom had just slapped me while looking at me with teary eyes, the next thing she said made me feel so much guilty *

(M/n): "you think that this is what I think of you, then I am disappointed" *sob* " could I hate you..." *hug me and smile with teary eyes* "... you're my cute little girl"

(Y/n) : *eyes widen and then smile* " I told you I'm not little anymore I'm a grown girl haha..." *I see my father approaching with cold eyes and I look down not able to look at him in the eyes*

(F/n): *you see him look down on you he approaches his hand to your head, while you close your eyes preparing for a hit but you only feel rubbing on your head* " I'm sorry dear, I didn't know you felt this bad, I promise that when we come back, we are gonna spend a loooot of time as a family alright "

(Y/n) : *nod happily* "mom, dad I'm sorry I just wanted to see you more, I miss you guys"

(M/n): "it's alright sweetie"

(D/n) : " yeah don't worry dear" *smile at you* "well then we have to go we will be back around a in the

(Y/n) : *you see them starting to leave, but you call them they look at you and you say* "I love you, be safe"

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