Chapter 2 - An unexpected encounter

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Cloud was unconscious for about two days when he finally woke up to an unknown sight of someone's bedroom. It was quite the luxurious bedroom, nothing like the Slums. Cloud was taken aback by this until he noticed a strange man sleeping on a chair not too far from him. That's when Cloud realized —

"WHERE AM I?!" he shouted so loud it woke up the man in the corner.


"I DON'T KNOW YOU TELL ME." Cloud yelled in response to the man's bizarre reaction.

There was a moment of silence when the strange man suddenly spun his head towards Cloud. The man's turn was so sharp it gave Cloud a little fright. But he became even more concerned when this man started approaching him.

"Stay back!"

Cloud reached for his greatsword but to his surprise it wasn't on his back. Even if he had his greatsword, currently with his lack of mobility Cloud couldn't even hurt a flea. As he frantically backed away, Cloud's wrist slipped and he was about to fall backwards off the bed until the strange man gripped his wrist in the nick of time. In that exact moment Cloud and the man's eyes met. Even though it was only for a split second it felt like an eternity. Cloud was being sucked in by the man's deep hazel eyes.

"Sorry if I scared you, I didn't mean to." The strange man said.

After coming back to his senses, Cloud responds with a distasteful face.

"Jeez, no need to give me that. I was planning on telling you why you're here, but before I tell you I think it's best to introduce myself. My name is Sephiroth Hojo, I am pleased to make your acquaintance."

Sephiroth was about to reach for Cloud's hand but Cloud backed away before he could. Sephiroth couldn't help but look at Cloud and imagine him as a lost puppy. Before he knew it he began to laugh.


"What's so funny?!" Cloud stammered.

Cloud was baffled; he truly couldn't figure out what Sephiroth was thinking. Not to mention he still doesn't know why he's here.

"Tell me why I'm here before I-"

Sephiroth interrupts Cloud.

"Before you what? Attack me? With what weapon."

Suddenly Sephiroth emits a menacing aura.

"Do you really think you have an advantage over me? In your current state you can't even lift a finger."

Sepiroth grazes Clouds hand and smirks as to mock him.

The air felt heavy and Cloud could not move a single limb. The 180 in Sephiroth's attitude was more shocking than you would think. There was a long and dreaded moment of silence, when suddenly those suppressed feelings ceased and so did Sephiroth's intimidating aura.

"Anywho, I have some other matters to attend to. See you soon Cloud~" Sephiroth winked.

Cloud was both too flabbergasted, and disgusted to speak. Some rando just winked at him and that conversation led to no avail. He still doesn't know where he is, why he's here or who Sephiroth really is. All he knew was that he had to find a way out of here. Cloud scrambled to get his possessions, yet he couldn't find his greatsword. But Cloud had no time to search for it, he had to get out of there. But of course, it wouldn't be that easy, as soon as he stepped outside he was greeted by a gigantic and lengthy hallway. Just looking at it made Cloud tired, it seemed as if it would take an eternity just to reach the end of the hallway. He wasn't about to give up but if he could barely navigate the Slums, he didn't have much hope for himself. Even so, he pushed forward.

Half an hour later, Cloud was still seeking the exit. He went from room to room, hallway to hallway, but everything seemed the same. He continued on until he encountered something unexpected.


Suddenly Cloud heard heavy breathing.

"Who's there?!" Cloud exclaimed.

"" The unknown voice struggled to speak.

In his current predicament Cloud couldn't trust anyone or anything, so he began to walk away. But the voice still struggling, kept begging and begging him to help them. Cloud could not stand it any longer, he rushed towards the voice and to his surprise it was one of his fellow comrades from when Cloud was a soldier — Reno.

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