Meng Ranbaping's barrage disappeared immediately, and other barrages became active again.

    [Shanshan, will Xiangfa osmanthus oil be mass-produced? I'm usually too busy with work and don't have time to do it, please! ! Please please! ]

    Shanshan saw this question, and tapped the bullet screen with her finger. She just found out that the bullet screen would not slide away when she tapped her finger.

    She replied, "Xiangfa osmanthus oil, Fangze will be mass-produced in the future."

    [Ahhhh! Very good! Is it really Fangze, did Shan Shan cooperate with Fangze? ]

    [This is the best! 】

    【Can Shanshan make a lot of money? 】

    【It’s not good to make money. If you want to make money, Shanshan won’t share these recipes clearly. Since it’s something from our ancestors, everyone can do it. Not only Fangze can do it, but other companies can do it too. Do. 】

    [90% of Fangze's annual profit is donated... Do you know? A company that only earns 2 yuan for a bottle of hair conditioner. ]

    [Yes, yes, we are more assured that there are reliable national enterprises. So happy! 】

    【Yeah! Shanshan please remind Boss Fangze, go online as soon as possible, I can't wait! ]

    A cool barrage with the ID "H's family is just like" appeared: [We have received everyone's expectations, and we will launch the scented osmanthus oil as soon as possible. 】

    【Ahhhhhh, the H family is actually the boss of Fangze! ]

    [It's so cool, did the lady succeed in chasing stars? ]

    The H family is so-so: [Yes, I succeeded in chasing stars~]

    The Di family is so-so: [Hey, when will you introduce it to us. 】

    Xiang's family is like: 【Yes, we also want to chase stars. ]

    The H family is so-so: [Looking at the opportunity, it is difficult for me to see the mountain side. ]

    [Hahahaha, ladies are chasing stars. 】

    【Download soon, Shanshan should rest early, the tung oil lamp is too dark, it hurts your eyes. 】

    Mrs. Cui put away her mobile phone, a smile unconsciously appeared on her well-maintained face. Arrange the product line of osmanthus oil with the secretary.

    Now she is busy with work every day. Although she is busy, she feels that she is getting younger and younger.

    President Cui called her, "Honey, when will you be home? I'll be home at six o'clock today."

    Mrs. Cui said "Oh", "I'll finish my work here as soon as possible."

    "Okay, hurry up then. I'll wait for you to go home for dinner." President Cui humbled, "Don't drink at night, and don't meet other young male stars."

    Mrs. Cui said, "Let's see."

    Now the situation of the husband and wife is completely reversed.

    She used to be a housewife, waiting for her husband to come home every day. Since she used Shanshan's skin care products, her face has returned to 30 years younger. Those medical cosmetic anti-wrinkle lifts are very stiff, and it is still fake after spending millions of dollars. It is far from being as natural as it is now.

    Yesterday she chose a spokesperson for the product, and met with a little fresh meat, and her husband became jealous when he found out. He drove over and took her away temporarily.

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