A group of four followed her to catch the sea.

    The gentle sea breeze blew the girl's long hair, a few hairs crossed the bridge of her nose, and Yu Shanshan pushed it behind her head.

    The sea breeze seems to be obedient, blowing in the opposite direction of her walk, her hair is natural pure black, the camera zooms from the distant view of the sea to the girl's flawless side face.

    I was shooting a place where the characters are beautiful. The fairy and the big head have been partners for many years. The fairy scenery is well photographed, which will create an atmosphere. The big person is well photographed. Combined, the mood of the girl walking on the beach against the blue background is absolutely beautiful. .



    [Youth is really the best capital, pure makeup, full of collagen, the face is already puffy, and it is naturally sculpted, no makeup is needed at all. ]

    [Don't say that, I'm only seventeen years old, and I'm not even a tenth of the beauty of the mountain, I'm dying of laughter. 】

    【Are you looking for abalone again, or are you going to pick up shells? 】

    Other guests on the east side had almost finished exploring, so Yu Shanshan chose to go west, and after about two hundred meters, he saw a reef.

    Climb up, put down the wooden barrel, find a suitable position, squat down, and start scraping the seaweed with a small sharp knife. This kind of seaweed looks like laver, and the locals call it hairweed.

    You can find a lot of hairy vegetables on the small island. Because of the large quantity, it is almost all over the island, and it is easy to find, so it has become an important food for the program crew. When the guests couldn't find anything else to eat, they went to shaved beef.

    Every day, every meal, I eat beef and hairy vegetables, and people's faces are as green as the beef and hairy vegetables.

    Yu Shanshan also ate beef hairy vegetables, and the fans of the other guests finally got a little more balanced: [Hahaha, I knew Yu Shanshan would go find beef hairy vegetables! There is nothing else to eat on this broken island except beef hair! 】

    【Psychological balance is better, everyone eats hairy vegetables. ]

    [What's wrong with the beef hair dish? You can't just eat protein, you should eat some vegetarian dishes. Let's change the taste. 】

    No one has been to the place I was looking for before. The beef hair on the stone is very thick. After 10 minutes of shoveling, I picked half a bucket. I went home to dry it and could eat it for several days.

    Several small puddles formed between the reefs under his feet, the sea water was crystal clear, and on the dark yellow sand, there was a brown creature swimming slowly.

    A smile appeared on Yu Shanshan's lips, he took off his sneakers and socks, went down barefoot, his thin white hands went deep into the water, slowly closed, and grabbed a sea cucumber.

    It was brown, shaped like a miniature brown mace, and held like a slimy slug in the hand.

    Although it doesn't look good, it's delicious and has high nutritional value, and it's expensive!

    [? ? ? Sea... sea cucumber? ]

    [Fuck, this sea cucumber is so big! ! ! ]


I became famous by inheriting intangible cultural heritageDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora