Miss Understanding

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I was already at the entrance of Garden Luciana Hotel when a guy bumped me.

"Shit. Watch where you're going!" the guy said massaging his forehead. He leaned on the wall to support himself who is obviously tortured by a headache. I looked at the guy pissed of. I didn't intend to bumped into him in the first place. Then suddenly it hit me. You? It was him. "My brother".

The lady of last night looked at us. "Bro, it's me. Silly," I pulled him outside the door so that the lady wouldn't hear anything that would blow my cover.

"What?! I don't have any sister. Let go!" he was able to loose free from my grip.

"What's with you!? Fine. You're welcome. And oh, get a life." Shit. I know that he don't remember me. But what is with that attitude?! A headache is no excuse for that! Great. Now my day is ruined. And it's him to thanked for.

I left him alone outside no longer cared what the lady would think. What was that?  He just said shit to me. I shouldn't have come.

To cool my head down, I decided to go to my fave shop. Sweet Treats. A helpful person like me sure deserve some sweet treats and not some rude treatment.

"I'll have one Bittersweet and two blueberry muffin." I said at the sales clerk without even looking at the other menu place above the counter. "Would that be all, ma'am?" The guy said in a monotone. Guess who's having a bad day themselves? I didn't add any order and moved aside for other customers after paying and waited for my order.

Suddenly there was a commotion. People inside the shop started to take out their phones to capture the scene outside. "A guy is being beaten to death outside," said casually by a customer as he made his order. I got the paperbag with my order and hurriedly went outside to see.

I struggled to clearly see the situation because people already crowded the place securing the perimeter. Finally, I got a good place to witness the fight.

Oh no. It's him again. Seriously? Actually, I like what I'm seeing. That's for being such an ungrateful person. But this isn't right. It's always been my instincts to help. I asked the guy beside me who is enjoying himself.

"Don't you have any intention to help?" I made my voice louder to be heard above the yelling of other people. They are even betting! The guy just looked at me as if I bored him.

I released a breath and jogged towards the group and said, "You guys should already be running. Because a good number of policemen is coming," I never thought that I have that confidence. But the guys don't have any confidence in me.

One of them approached me, "Really now? How about I punch you straight in the face for you to have a couple black eye with this guy?" he pointed at the beaten man with his eyes fix on mine. Shit.

Now I feel my knees turning jelly. The guy moving towards me. With nothing but a paperbag and my beverage, I'm dead. I opened the lid of my drink then threw the content straight on his face blinding him temporarily. My favorite. I'm more concerned with my drink than him recovering from my attack. I recovered from my mourning.

"Police, there here!" I looked from afar as if I'm instructing a group of men to come over. Luck is on my side. At first they were searching but with a group of people surrounding us, there's no way I could get busted. "We'll see you again," the guy that challenged me move closer to me. I didn't back down and raised my chin. "Oh. Don't worry. I'll visit you in jail. You still got a drink to pay." In your face. They then decided to leave. And so are the people who didn't cared to run for my rescue.

"Oh my gosh. I almost got a black eye. Worse, I almost died," I was actually talking to myself but the beaten guy talked.

"Why are you interrupting?" Rubbing the blood on his mouth with the back of his hand.

My First and LastOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora