Chapter 8

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The next day at 6:37 August got woken up by Dustin. She slowly opened her eyes and saw Steve standing by him. "What do you want?" August asked. "Can me and Steve visit your brother?" Dustin smiled. "Your lying,who else is coming?" August asked. "Maybe Robin and max." Dustin smiled. August sighed. "Sure,I don't care." August said as she got up from her bed. August walked to the kitchen while Dustin and Steve were walking behind her. She saw that Robin was eating cereal and Max was listening to her music. "What are y'all doing at my house?" August complained. Robin shrugged. August got her cereal and opened the door. Everyone looked at her. "Cmon,I'm taking breakfast to Eddie." August said. Everyone got in the car and Steve drove off. August sighed as her nosed started bleeding. "Whoa,are you alright?" Steve asked. "I'm fine,just a headache." August said as she whipped her nose.

They reached Reefer Ricks house and they opened the shack. "JESUS!" Eddie yelled. "Breakfast!" Dustin smiled. Eddie sighed and sat down with everyone else. "So bad news,or good news first?" Dustin asked. "He wants the bad news first." August frowned. Eddie smiled. "The Highschool kids think you killed Chrissy." "And they're definitely looking for you." Dustin said. "Like 100% kind of convinced." Max sighed. "And the good news?" Eddie asked. "What's the good news?" Robin asked. Nobody said anything. "Welp,no good news then." Robin smiled. "The monster,Vecna is just going to get stranger and stronger." "So we kill it." Dustin said. "Yeah,we used to have this girl with superpowers but uh..those went bye bye." Steve said. "Listen Eddie,they have actually kinda been through this before,so have I but only one time." "But i really think we got this." Robin exclaimed. "We're kinda in a brainstorming phase." August explained. "There's nothing to..worry...about." Dustin smiled. Steve laughed. Suddenly they heard police sirens. August grabbed the cover and wrapped it around Eddie. They ran to the window and saw the police cars going somewhere. "Lets follow it." Max said. They ran tot he car and followed it.

They got to the place and Nancy was talking to a cop. Everyone got out of the car. Nancy waved and smiled. Nancy ran to them. "Nance,what's going on?" Robin asked. "My friend,Fred,he died." Nancy said. "I'm sorry." Dustin sighed. "Get in the car we have a lot to talk about." Max said. They got in the car and drove to the Trailer Park.

They all sat on a bench and they explained everything to Nancy. "It doesn't make sense." "Just,why them?" "Fred was acting weird at the Trailer Park." Nancy said. "We're at the Trailer Park." "Should we not be here?" Steve asked. "Something is just weird about this place." Robin said. "Serial killer stalk their victims before they strike them." "So maybe they saw Vecna before." Robin explained. "But if I saw some freak wicked monster I'd mention it to someone." Steve said. "Maybe they did." "I saw Chrissy leave Mrs.Kelly's office on the way to the bathroom." "Because if you tell a police they'll never believe you." Max said. "They will go to someone they trust." Robin said. Max nodded. August got up and ran to Reefer Rick's house. "August,where you going!?" Steve yelled.

August slammed the door and ran to the bathroom with her breathing heavily. She washed her face and tried to stop breathing to heavily but she couldn't. Steve opened the door and saw her laying on the floor panicking. Steve sat on the floor and put her hair behind her ears. "I'm losing it." August said. "It's okay,just breath." Steve said. August started breathing slower. "There we go." Steve said. Steve helped August up and they walked back outside.

When they got outside everyone was ready to go. August didn't get in the car. "August,what's wrong?" Steve asked. "I'm just going to check something." "I'll be fine cause I'm going to waist y'all's time." August said. "No,I'm coming with you." "Im not letting this Vecna creep kill you." Steve said. Steve gave Robin the keys. "You take the car,I'll stick with August." Steve said. "I can't drive,I'm poor." Robin smiled. "Here,just me and Nancy go." Robin smiled. "Whatever." Steve said rolling his eyes. Steve tried to hold August's hand but she declined. Slowly she let him. Steve opened her car door and they drove off with Dustin and Max.

They arrived to Mrs.Kelly's house and August got out of the car. "She used to give me therapy in Highschool,she'll recognize me,then I grab her keys." August explained. "Be careful." Steve said. "I'm stronger than you." August said making a face. August knocked on the door and Mrs.Kelly answered. "August,it's great to see you." She said. "Can I come in?" August asked. Mrs.Kelly nodded and August went in. In the car Dustin stared laughing. "You and August are cute together." He said. "What,when did you know me and August were dating?" Steve asked. "So you are?" Dustin asked. Steve sighed as he heard Dustin and Max laughing. A few minutes later August came out with the keys. "Let's go." August said. Steve drove off going to the school. Suddenly Max got a message from Lucas on her Walkie-talkie. "Max,are you guys looking for Eddie?" Lucas asked. "No,we found him,no thanks to you." Dustin said. "You guys know he killed Chrissy,right?" Lucas asked. "Bullshit." August said. "Lucas,your so behind its ridiculous,just meet us at the school,over and out." Max said as she ended the message.

At 9:27 they arrived at the school and Steve got a call from Robin. "Me and Nancy figured it out,we'll meet you there and explain." Robin smiled. "Alright,over and out." Steve said. They unlocked Mrs.Kelly's office. They all sat down and went through her files. August went through Chrissy and Fred's and she started to realize it was the same thing she's having. In August's vision she heard the clock ticking. She slowly followed the noise and saw the clock ticking. Suddenly she woke up and saw Steve,Dustin,Nancy,Robin,and Max staring at her. "Are you okay?" Nancy asked. A tear fell from August's eye.

𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐖 𝐌𝐄 𝐇𝐎𝐖 | Steve HarringtonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora