Chapter 2

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"What the hell happened?" Dustin asked. Steve shrugged. Robin ran to the front of the elevator and slammed the "open" button and it opened. There was a Russian sitting there in a chair. He turned around and saw everyone standing by the elevator. He grabbed out his gun. "Don't shoot!" Robin yelled as she was speaking Russia. Robin tried to make him not shoot but it didn't work. The Russian aimed his gun at August but then Steve ran up to him and punched him. Robin started to smile as she knew the truth.

Steve grabbed him and pushed him back on the ground. The Russian punched him but Steve took him down. "Dude,you did it!" "You won a fight!" Dustin said in a exciting voice. Steve smiled as he stared at August trying to impress her but she wasn't.

Suddenly the alarm came on and Russians tried to come straight through a door. Steve ran to the door to hold it from them coming in. August ran to the door also to help him. "GO DUSTIN AND ROBIN!" Steve yelled. "ILL NEVER FORGET YOU!" Dustin yelled as he crawled through a vent with Robin. Steve and August looked tired. They both let go of the door and fell on the ground. "HANDS UP!" Russians yelled as they pointed their guns at them. Steve and August put their hands up and sighed. A Russian grabbed August's hand and walked to a room.

When they entered the room August got her hands and legs tapped together. "Now,who do you work with?" He asked. "Why would I need to tell you?" August said calmly. The Russian slapped her and she fell to the ground grunting. "How did you find us?" He asked again. "I'm not telling." August said. The Russian man kept slapping her until the questions were over.

A few minutes later August got thrown in a room and saw Steve lying on the floor. "Steve?" August asked. "What did you do to him?" August asked with no tears. "What he deserves." The Russian smiled. A Russian grabbed Steve and August and tapped them to a chair. They left the room and it was just August awake.

An hour later Steve woke up. "August?" "Where are you?" Steve asked. "I'm behind you." "Are you alright?" August asked. "My ears are ringing I feel like I don't have have a heart but..I'm feeling pretty good." Steve laughed. The Russians walked in with a sharp shot. "Woah,what is that thing!?" Steve asked. "It will help you talk." The Russian said. He quickly stuck the shot in his neck. August heard Steve screaming at the top of his lungs. She quickly panicked trying to get the tape off but she couldn't cause it's so strong. The Russian took out the shot and Steve passed out. The Russian walked to August and stuck the shot in her neck. Then she also passed out.

Hours later Steve and August woke up really tired. "August,are you awake?" Steve asked. "Mhm.." August said quietly. "August?" "Have you ever cried?" Steve asked. "I used to when I was 11 but then it didn't help so I just quit." August explained. "I cried over the stupidest things back then." Steve laughed. "You were a big asshole,you know that?" August asked frowning. "Yeah,I know.." Steve sighed.

The door slammed opened and it was Robin. "Robin!?" Steve asked shocked. "It's me!" Robin Said as she ran to August tearing off the tape. August got back up and watched Robin free Steve as well. "Where's Dustin?" August asked. "I'm right here." Dustin said as he peaked through the door.

Suddenly the alarm came on and Russians came rushing in the room. "Where are you 2 going?" The Russian asked. August ran to the Russian and kicked him in the dick. The Russian fell to the ground and August kicked his head. "Let's go." August sighed. They all ran out of the building breathing heavily. Suddenly Steve and August started acting weird. "What is wrong with them?" Dustin asked. "They seem drunk." Robin sighed. Dustin grabbed Steve's hand and Robin grabbed Augusts hand and they got in the car and arrived at Starcourt mall.

They ran in the mall to the movie theatre. Steve grabbed some popcorn and sat down with August. "Don't watch the movie,okay?" Dustin asked. "We wanna watch it." Steve complained. "THEN WATCH IT!" Dustin yelled. A random told them to shush and Dustin and Robin walked away. "August?" Steve asked. "Yes?" August asked. "Follow me." Steve said as he grabbed her hand. Since August was drunk she didn't let go. When they left the movie theatre they went to a area by the water fountain. "Look up there." Steve said as he looked in the sky. August looked up and they got dizzy. August ran to the bathroom and Steve ran behind her. Steve and August started to puke in the toilet.

A few minutes later they cooled down. "Are you okay?" Steve asked. August nodded. "..Are you still in love with Nancy?" August asked. "No." Steve said as he laying on the floor in the other stall. "Why not?" August said. "Cause I think I found someone a little better for me." Steve smiled. Steve started to crawl through the other stall to see August. "Describe the girl you like." August said thinking it was Robin. "She has black hair." "She's pretty quiet and doesn't smile really but I know I can make her one day." Steve said. August started to realize he was talking about her. Steve slowly got closer to her and put his hands on her cheek.

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