Fruit of the Poisoned Tree part 2

Start from the beginning

Elijah holds out his hands in a calming manner. "Rebekah, Logan, let her do what she can," he tells us in a soft tone.

"I may know a way to slow the fever down. But I'm gonna need some special herbs. I'll text you a list," Sophie informs us before looking at Rebekah at the end.

Rebekah stares at her disbelief before glancing at Elijah who nods briefly. "I got her, Rebekah," I quietly tell her so the witch wouldn't hear and she glances back to Hayley before sighing.

  "Fine. Happy to play fetch girl," she says and tosses me the rag that I catch with ease before speeding out of the room.

I chuckle quietly at her dramatics and dip the rag in the bowl then start to gently dab Hayley's worried face. "Don't worry, your lover girl will be back before you know it," I wink making her flush more than before.

Her face scrunched up in pain so I set my hand on her's then begin taking her pain again. "D-doesn't it hurt you?" Hayley worriedly questions.

"Nothing I can't handle, sweetheart," I smile down at her before glaring at Sophie who rounds the bed to check on her, "don't touch her." Hayley backs away from her hand when Sophie went to touch her forehead.

    "I don't mean any harm," she announces making me snort out a sarcastic chuckle while Hayley gives her a really look.

   "That's all you've been doing since the beginning of this whole bullshit!" Hayley snaps at her making her flinch back.

"Step back. All you're doing is causing more harm than good. Until Rebekah comes back with your herbs don't even think about touching Hayley," I sternly tell her feeling my anger start to sky rocket at the sight of this witch.

"I think it's best if you do as she says, Sophie. Logan isn't someone to mess with," Elijah warns her while setting a hand on my shoulder giving it a small squeeze.

   I look away from the girl to Hayley who's sweating worse now while whimpering. Shit! "Elijah, I need you to go put some ice this bowl. Please," I inform him and he nods while grabbing the bowl from my hand then sped off.

I grab ahold of her arm with both hands and begin taking her pain away faster. Gritting my teeth as I feel how much pain she really is in.

How in the hell is she not screaming right now? "M-my babies, Logan. I don't want to lose them," Hayley whimpers setting a protective hand on her bulging stomach.

"You won't, I promise. We're gonna do everything we can to save you and your babies," I reassure her with a small gasp of pain escaping my lips.

Elijah comes back with a bigger bowl full of water with ice. "Dab her head with the the rag and water," I inform him making him nod and do exactly as I said.

    The sound of a door slam made us turn our heads to the entrance of the room seeing Rebekah carrying a few herbs in her arms.

"How is she?" She worriedly questions speeding to the bed and set the items on the table while looking Hayley over.

"I feel like I'm in a sauna that's 400 degrees," Hayley moans in discomfort making all of us frown in concern.

"Bring her down to the pool," Sophie announces while grabbing the herbs and jog out of the room making me let go of Hayley and I stumble back slightly disoriented.

Elijah set his hand on my back to steady me and I nod at him. "Let's get this shirt off of you, love," Rebekah softly tells Hayley and helped her take off the longe sleeve shirt she has on.

After that Rebekah lifts her up bridal style before we all sped downstairs to the backyard where the massive pool is.

Sophie is crushing the herbs together into a bowl filled with water. "She's burning up. We need to do this now," Rebekah snaps worriedly while holding Hayley close to her chest.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2022 ⏰

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