17. I'm Taking The Win

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I had no clue what to do about Harry. I knew I needed to speak with him, but I knew it would not end well. I was dreading it. But I knew that I needed to take action. Ginny would be home in over a week's time, and this had to be sorted before then. It was unfair to her not to sort it. 

Turns out, though, I didn't need to worry about taking action. Because when does look ever go my way. 

I was over at Hermione's having dinner one evening. She had actually been looking into my work on the machine. It was coming along nicely, and I knew that in a month or two, I would be ready for some beta testing. 

Hermione, being a muggle born and knowing about all the possible muggle diseases, was a great help in making sure that I was completely covered. She had bought me muggle medical books on illnesses, injuries, ailments, and diseases. 

"Hermione, this is fantastic! This will be a big help!" I said, flipping through the book. 

"The wizarding world is actually very far behind the muggle world when it comes to modern medicine. Most of the muggle diseases, the wizarding community have never ever heard of. It's mind baffling. There are so many diseases that witches and wizrads could potentially be suffering from, and we have no clue and therefore no cure for. Like Stroke or Cancer -"

"Can what?"

"Cancer - it's a horrible disease which rots away at a person. There are treatments for some types, but others, it's harder, and if the disease isn't caught in time, it may be too late."

"It sounds delightful." I said sarcastically.

"But with your work, you will be able to help people get a diagnosis quicker and save lives. People will be given a course of treatment that is likely to work for them instead of the trial and error method that muggles use. It's amazing. Mind-blowing."

"I hope so." I smile at her. 

"It will be. I will help in any way I can. I mea, it's genius. Addalie, this machine alone could make you one of the richest megical people of our time. You will be a multi-million Galleonaire."

"I am not in it for the money. It was just a thought that I had that I mentioned to Draco, and he ran with it."

"Well, be glad he did. It's amazing. He must have realised the potential like me and decided to get on the ball. I mean, he had the best legan team in the Ministry (myself included) work on the licence and copyright the idea."

"OK, you have lost me."

"It means that no one else can steal your idea. It's your design, and he made sure that no one would even be able to make anything even remotely similar without your approval. It's something that most inventors would not think of. But it's a brilliant idea. It means your work and research all belong to you. If someone else tried to make something like this and sell it, they would be sued or face jail time."

"Seriously? How did I not know this?"

"Well, it's the paperork side of things.. I assume Draco looks after all that for you?"

I nodded. "Well, he really knows his stuff. You are in good hands, it appears. He really does have your best interests at heart. I looked at your contract, too. He isn't taking a lot back in terms of shares and is making sure the majority of the business stays in your name"

"That's good, right?" I asked.

"It's unusual. Most businessmen are out to fill their own pockets. Draco is making sure that yours are filled first. I think we now know that he does actually care for you. More than he is letting on. You are thought of in every business decision he makes. It's really very sweet."

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