Chapter 1 regrets

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(Jeremy's POV)

I slowly trudged home kicking small pebbles down the deserted dirt road. The wind blew my brown hair and my tattered clothing back. It was cold,very cold but I couldn't afford a coat and it's not like my dad would buy me one....I sighed trying to think of things to distract me, my mom came to mind... I felt sadness swell in my gut as I slowly trudged forward my heart seeming to sink down lower and lower as I approached my house. The ceiling was practically caving in and the aroma of mold and cigarette smoke overwhelmed my lungs. Holes and cracks in the walls seemed to whistle in the wind as I reached the bent wooden door. The wooden porch steps creaked, moaning in a very depressed saddened matter, just like I felt. I slowly opened the creaky door and saw my dad, his large beer belly hanging out of his greasy gray shirt. He looked at me and his usual look of hatred filled his bloodshot eyes. "What took you so long faggot!?" He screamed flinging a beer bottle right next to my face. I didn't even flinch as the brown glass shattered on the wall and landed around my torn sneakers. "S-sorry d-d-dad..." I managed to stutter quickly scampering away but my dad stopped me. "Hey where do you think you're going!!!? Get me some beer you useless piece of shit!!!!" I winced at his harsh words but held back my tears even though the pushed at my eyes like a surging storm. "Y-yes dad s-sorry..." I mumbled quickly scampering to the kitchen dodging broken glass and unknown ladies underwear I opened the fridge. I grabbed a beer bottle and handed it to my dad quickly retracting my hand so he could not add more bruises to my frail figure. His voice snapped me back to reality "now get out" he snorted turning up the TV as I walked to my room. My room was never much it was meant to be a closet but I loved it, I had a small stack on Sailor Moon comics and a blanket to sleep with, anything I could ever need. I felt safe in my room, like nothing had ever happened like my mom and sister were still here... Like my mom was still there to sing to me and rock me and hold me tight until I fell asleep. The tears persisted at my eyes again but I didn't cry...I wouldn't I had to stay strong.

Jeremy FitzgeraldUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum