A sad smile

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Three weeks had passed. Almost all of Sky's wounds had healed. He'd still wake up in cold sweat some nights when he dreamt of that night. But he tried to stay strong. Rain was practically living at his place now.
"Don't make the stir-fry too spicy", Sky instructed. They were at the dorm trying to complete a project that was due tomorrow. Sky was already done with his and now was helping Rain. "You are getting more fussy everyday. What's up with you seriously?", Rain asked in frustration. He had had enough of Sky's nagging these days. "You know, I think you'd learn better if you do the project yourself ", "The stir-fry will be to your taste sir", said Rain. Sky chuckled. He really wanted to tell Rain the actual reason for all his nagging. But he controlled himself. Just a few more days and he could meet P'Pai. Then he'd tell Rain everything. He could already imagine Rain grinning like an idiot and looking up all random stuff about babies. The thought made Sky smile to himself. Just a few more days Sky. Then he'd meet P'Pai. Thinking about it made Sky jittery.
"They're throwing a party about some business mearger tomorrow. I got an invite and so did P'Payu. I think we'll be going together", Rain said all of this a little carefully. They were getting dressed for uni. Rain was already done and was waiting for Sky to finish up. The weather was cold today, the forecast had shown tht it might rain for the next few days. Rain wasn't sure how Sky would react to the news or even to P'Pai's name being mentioned. Sky just smiled and said, "I know. It was on the news yesterday. I'm going.", this surprised Rain. "Are you sure?", he asked skeptically. "Yes Rain. Don't sound so scared. I'm gonna be fine. Probably more than fine if things go as planned". "What do you mean more than...", Rain was confused by Sky's reply. "Hey drop it. We're gonna be late if we don't leave now", said Sky. They both walked out of the dorm room. On their way down to the parking lot Rain said, "If we both are going ,we need clothes. The party is kinda formal and you'll be meeting P'Pai after so long. You need to look good. Let's go shopping after classes. What say?". Sky didn't want to go overboard, but Rain was giving he puppy eyes and pouty lips so Sky didn't feel like refusing him. "Yeah whatever, but lets not go too overboard alright?", he said. "Yay! We are gonna look the best", Rain was already excited. "Rain...", Sky warned. "Yeah, yeah, no going overboard", said Rain still sounding excited. Both got into the car and drove away.
They were at the mall and Rain was jumping up and down looking like a five year old at a candy shop. "Let's go straight to the tuxedo store? I've heard they customize the clothing in a few hours, so we can get it by tomorrow", said Rain. This was exactly what Sky had warned Rain not to do, "What did I tell you Rain? A tux would be too much" and the bump would probably be visible, he added in his mind. His hand drifted to his belly at the thought. He had some cramps last night so he had taken some prescribed medicine. But he felt the cramps again. I'll visit the clinic after tomorrow's party, he thought to himself. P'Pai would probably accompany me, the thought made his chest feel warm for some reason.
Rain was chattering away not paying much attention to Sky's actions so Sky quickly put his hand down. "But P'Payu said he wants to see me in a tux and after the party he...", Rain suddenly shut his mouth and blushed violently. Sky just shook his head and chose not to comment on it. "You can buy it for yourself. But I want to wear something comfy. An elegant cardigan would be good I guess", said Sky. Rain didn't want to force Sky so he let it go. "Fine, I'll go take a look at the tuxedos and you find your cardigan, lets meet at the cafe later". "Yeah, but remember to buy one that is easy to remove quickly", "SKY!!", Rain was beet red. He turned around and practically ran away from Sky. Sky just smiled thinking about his goofy friend.
Sky had found a couple of good outfits. He was trying to choose when he saw a child, maybe 4 or 5 year old tripping and falling near the cash counter. She suddenly burst into tears. The cashier was a heavy man in his 40's maybe. He looked annoyed by the wailing of the child. He picked her up and asked in an annoyed tone, "Where are your parents?". The girl was still weeping and now a little scared but still she replied, "What are parents?". The question seemed to annoy the cashier further, "Your mother and father, where are they?". "I don't know what a father is but my mom is in that room. I want mommy", she wailed again while pointing towards the trial rooms. Sky's heart clenched when he heard the girl. He was about to go to her when her mother came running and picked the girl in her arms. She tried to console her child, when the girl calmed down she turned to the cashier, "Sorry for the inconvenience. She is just too young and.." "You should know how to handle the child even if you are a single mother", the cashier replied with arrogance.
Sky was annoyed by the cashier and wanted to shut him up, so he walked up to the cash counter and asked him to make the bill. While the cashier was making the bill Sky turned to the mother with the girl in her arms and said, "I saw what happened. Is she injured?". "I checked, she is fine. Thank you for your concern", the mother smiled at him. The girl in her arms suddenly asked, "Mommy what's a father?", the women was stunned at first, but then she smiled, "I'll tell you when you grow up, okay baby?". The smile was a sad one. She just shook he head and walked away with her kid.
The bill was made, so Sky paid, took the bags and walked out of the store. He was headed to the cafe where they had decided to meet. While he was walking a thought occurred in his mind. If Phi still misunderstands me and is disgusted by the news of my pregnancy and...

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