Eleven: Beautiful

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"I really don't have anything more to say. You know what you did and if you want to deny it then go ahead, but you're only lying to yourself," I told Mason over speaker phone, as he called me yet again to deny his cheating ways.

It had been two weeks since I had left him at the alter, two weeks of apologizing to cousins, parents, old friends, and many more people who had came to our wedding. It was truly a disappointment to cancel what everyone thought to be such a 'beautiful' and 'expensive' wedding, but it was all worth it in the end when I knew what I had ultimately won: Liam.

I had told Mason about why I had done what I did after I was released from the hospital. He, of course, denied ever doing anything, but I didn't believe a word coming out of his mouth. I knew what I had seen and the only thing I regretted was not being able to remember it before setting up the whole wedding and wasting so much time.

"Auburn I am telling you the truth! Just come home, please honey. Leave that no good man you're staying with and come back to me. Please, this is the easy way out, trust me," he whined on the other end, making me sigh and lean back in Liam's arms. It was true, I was living with Liam, the apparent 'no good man' Mason had spoken of. In reality, however, Liam actually cared for me, respected me, and every second of every day loved me. Much more than Mason had ever done.

"No, Mason. I'm sorry it has to be this way, but I'm not coming back. Now goodbye," I ended, hanging up the phone and heaving a deep sigh. Mason definitely knocked a whole lot of energy out of me, but thankfully I had Liam by my side to help.

"Do you think he is actually sorry?" I heard Liam ask me, as he combed through my hair with his fingers while we sat together on his plush white bed. It was a wonderful feeling, to be treated so well just out of pure kindness and want, instead of how Mason had treated me before. It was as if I were on cloud nine, but still in disbelief of it and waiting until for someone to drop me back down to earth.

"I don't know. Either way, I wouldn't take him back for the world. I have everything I need right here," I smiled up at Liam, as he kissed me. "In a way, I'm even glad that I got in that accident. Because if I didn't I would never of met you," I told him, his eyes lighting up.

"Agreed, but from here on out why don't you let me do the driving when you're mad," he laughed, making me giggle as well. Everything seemed so right with Liam, even as he insulted me.

"Okay, fair enough," I laughed back, while Liam leaned down to kiss me on the lips ever so delicately once more. Boy do I love those kisses of his. I thought to myself, before moving my hands up to his neck and pulling him down for more. 

Liam was definitely the slow yet steady type, who didn't mind wasting time even if there wasn't any to waste. So, with kissing, it was hard to read if he wanted to take things further, but I immediately knew tonight what the answer to that was.

Entwining my fingers with his at my side, our lips moved as one as we continued to kiss, each one better than the last. It was like nothing I had ever felt, not even with Mason, whom was a decent kisser in my opinion.

"I've never been so in love with anyone else in my entire life," Liam started, as he pulled back. "you know that right?" he asked, brushing a few strands of hair that had gotten in my face. Nodding, I told him I knew and smiled up at the beauty which was my Liam. His chiseled face showed so much interest, as his free hand caressed my arm which still laid around the back of his neck. He was so beautiful... no matter how feminine of a word it was.

"I've never been so in love with anyone else in my entire life either," I said back. "and you know what you do with that person you are utterly in love with?" I asked as well, sending him to smile down at me.

"Yes, and I wouldn't want to do that with anyone else other than you," he whispered, bringing his lips back to mine in a passion that I swore could of burnt the whole apartment down...

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