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"This party fucking blows." Nixon huffed as his eyes gazed over the drunk college students, with a bored expression firmly on his face. Nixon was in his senior year of college, this wasn't his first college party and it certainly wouldn't be his last.

"This is the first party of the year Blackwell, at least pretend you're having a good time." Calvin shouted over the music, bobbing his head to the beat. 

Nixon and Calvin have been best friends since, well since forever. They were joined at the hip throughout their childhood, learning the ways of the world together.

Calvin was Nixon's closest confidant, after his twin brother.

"Every year it's the same bullshit, I'm bored." Nixon stood against a wall in the giant frat house. His friend Brad has been in a fraternity since freshman year, meaning Nixon is always pulled into their lame parties.

"Shut up Blackwell! Are you crazy? It's senior year, we have unlimited beer and unlimited girls to choose from. It doesn't get better than this." Brad said, his eyes hungrily roaming over a group of freshmen girls that stumbled into the party. He chugged down another beer, throwing the cup to the floor before pulling another one out of thin air.

Brad has been one of Nixon's friends since freshman year. Brad had accidentally walked in on Nixon having sex with some random girl he met at a party. Instead of walking away with an apology, Brad somehow ended up joining in. The exchange was strictly heterosexual and strictly consensual.

An experience like that bonded boys for life.

Nixon knew Brad was right. It's senior year, his last chance to blow off some steam before taking over his family business. His father built a security empire from scratch, an empire Nixon would be inheriting. A multimillion dollar empire.

However the thought alone wasn't enough to satisfy him. The money aspect of it was great of course, but he couldn't bare the thought of wasting his senior year doing the same shit he's been doing for the past 8 years. The feeling of already outgrowing college was at the forefront of his mind.

He questioned why his father couldn't just hand over the keys and give him the company now, but apparently that was the easy way out.

Nixon loved getting drunk and he loved to party, but seeing the same faces for the past 4 years was tiresome and got old real fast.

Don't be fooled, one thing Nixon knew he'd never ever be tired of was girls. They got him going. But, he had a rule against messing with freshmen and sophomores, honestly he'd already had most of the girls in his senior class that he found attractive. Maybe this year he'd have to broaden his preferences just a little.

So Nixon stood bored as hell at the first party of his senior year, watching as his classmates acted like 16 year old virgins. Calvin excluded.

"Oh look who's here." Brad shouted over the music, wiggling his eyebrows in the direction of the front door.

Unfortunately Nixon had the perfect view of the door as Poppy Rose came swarming in with her clan of annoying, fake friends.

Nixon groaned at the sight of his ex girlfriend.

The term girlfriend is used loosely. There was no love or even like from Nixon's part, but she was the longest running 'relationship' Nixon had ever had. It was Sophomore year and Nixon thought it was mature of him to try and date one girl, just to trial it out.

Poppy loved dating Nixon. He's extremely good looking, wealthy and a great time in the bedroom.

Nixon put up with dating Poppy because she let him put it up the ass.

It was a win win situation at the time.

However, it took Sophomore Nixon 7 long months to realise having anal sex on tap wasn't enough of a reason to be in Poppy Rose's company for long periods of time. She was clingy, self-obsessed and extremely high maintenance.

As soon as Poppy's beady blue eyes landed on him Nixon debated making a beeline for the exit, but Poppy was quicker. Her blonde hair bounced as she strutted over to him, a pursed lipped smile on her face.

"Nixon, heyyy." Poppy said, flicking her long blonde hair over her shoulders.

"Wassup." He mumbled not wanting to give her the satisfaction of a full response.

There was one thing Poppy loved more than herself and that was Nixon's attention, all of it.

"Cool party right." She said excitedly, not so gracefully nudging Calvin out the way to take her place next to Nixon.


"So do you wanna go dance?" She asked him, fluttering her eyelashes, pushing her tits forwards causing them to brush against his arm.

Now, Nixon might find Poppy annoying as hell but he was still a man, and he had urges.

He could never deny that she had a good pair of tits. They were fake but look natural enough.

"Have you ever seen me dance before?" He asked her.

"No, but will you dance with me?" She pouted.

"Nah I'm good."

He saw Poppy's face drop at his answer and he almost, almost felt bad.

"Well do you wanna go upstairs or something?" She asked, putting on that stupid voice that resembled an annoying child. She always did that, and it made Nixon cringe every time.

"Upstairs for what?" He played stupid.

Poppy looked over to Brad and Calvin. Calvin used this time to talk to one of Poppy's less annoying friends. Brad used this moment to pretend like he wasn't listening in on Nixons conversation.

Poppy leaned into Nixon, whispering as lowly as she could over the music. "If you come upstairs with me right now, I'll let you do anything you want to me. You know you don't want to pass up that offer Nixxy," She leaned back slightly, biting her lip in an attempt at seduction.

One thing about Nixon was that he had high standards when it came to the women he entertained. It wouldn't be truthful to say he didn't find Poppy attractive, even a blind man would see that she's hot.

Nixon felt a stir in his jeans. He looked Poppy up and down as he thought over her offer. He hadn't had sex in almost a week and she's here offering herself up on a platter.

It would be rude to deny her offer, he thought. His eyes flashed down to her tits one last time, almost ready to accept her offer. But something caught his eye. The something being a hot brunette dancing across from them. Dancing whilst her eyes were trained on him, almost begging him to go over there.

His eyes flickered between Poppy and back to the unknown brunette.

"Sorry Poppy, but I have other plans tonight." He shot her a dazzling smile before making his way over to option number 2.

"See something you like?" He asked as he approached her.

"I'm Raven." She told him with a flirty smile.

Rachel, Raven, Nixon didn't really care. There was only one thing on his mind right now.

"Let's go upstairs." He told her, taking hold of her hands and leading her to somewhere a little more ... private.

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