Love at First Sight

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"It seldom happens that you can plan your whole future just by looking at someone in the eyes." – Anonymous

I wouldn't necessarily call it a habit, but Camila did love herself some eye candy at school. It was normal for her to develop crushes as a motivation to get ready and be excited for school. Therefore, it was no surprise how her eyes immediately examined faces as soon as she entered the school with her best friend Sofia. There was no doubt she was nervous about her first day at a new school. New people, new teachers, new classes... yet she was also thrilled for this new beginning. Camila and Sofia walked down the main hallway and smiled at the unfamiliar but friendly faces. They knew they had first-block Reading toward the back of the building. They turned right on the last hallway and began walking to the last door on the left where their teacher awaited them. Camila walked with her head down but it came up when she laughed at a comment Sofia made. It was then that her eyes met his. With a smile still on her face, his eyes pierced into hers. The chaos in the hallway paused and the world stopped for those seconds their eyes met. It felt like it was only them in the hallway because the eye contact was so strong. All the air left her lungs and she felt her cheeks blush as he looked her over. She did the same and saw him leaned against the wall holding his backpack with one hand. He wore black pants, a gray sweater, and his black-rimmed glasses. His skin was fairly tan and his hair brunette with subtle waves styled to the side. Of course she thought he was attractive, but it went far more deeper than that. She was curious about him. She wanted to know every single thing about him. Within that two-second glance at one another, Camila was in love. But she didn't even know his name...

It's Always Been You - Camila & MateoWhere stories live. Discover now