Chapter 12

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Angel sighed in his comfort. Not only because he and Husker had just taken a nice hot shower, which warmed them right up from being in the cold for so long, but because he could not have felt more fulfilled. Drying off had been fun, but now that they were, they were snuggled up in his bed with Fat Nuggets tucked tightly beside them. Husker's arms were wrapped around him as he laid his head on Angels, and Angel was equally wrapped around the cat. "You know," his lover started. "We do have to go back downstairs eventually, right?" Angel groaned.

"No." He felt the look the feline gave him.

"Angel." Husk said in a disapproving voice. Angel shook his head and lightly squeezed the man.

"No." He said again and Husker sighed.

"So, you'd rather Charlie and Vaggie come searching for us, worried that we're hurt or something and find us... here. Like this. After we had sex on the roof." He didn't have to look up to know the cat was giving him an expectant look. He was waiting for Angel to agree. He thought about the situation and cringed. Tonight had been so good so far, he really didn't want Vaggie lecturing him for an hour on how he wasn't supposed to sin in the hotel. Not to mention the knowledge that the two women might panic at the fact that they'd gone up to the top floor. They were already nervous and nitpicky about Alastor's station being precariously balanced on the side of the hotel, and how he had to climb up a rickety metal stair case to get to it, despite it proving it was perfectly safe. He could only imagine what they would say if they found out about their trip to the most derelict part of the hotel. Again, he groaned.

"Noooo." He whined and the feline laughed.

"Wow! I didn't know you were five years old, I swore you were thirty when you died." Angel sat up and turned to face the man in indignance.

"Excuse me? Firstly, I was thirty-five, and secondly, you are not one to talk, Mr. I-was-in-my-seventies-when-I-kicked-it-but-I-can-still-fuck-like-I'm-twenty-something." Crossing his arms over is chest, he huffed, but Husker was now laughing so hard he could barely breathe. When his lover finally caught his breath, he shook his head and pulled Angel close again.

"Well, not every old man has to act like one. Besides, down here, the number of years doesn't mean shit and you know it. Otherwise, you'd been just as bad." The feline tapped his finger on Angel's forehead lightly and smiled. Rolling his eyes, he shifted until he was laying across the man's chest and sighed. They fell silent for a long moment before Husker frowned. "We really should go downstairs." Angel scrunched his nose, but he had to admit that the man was right. They were already suspicious enough, if they didn't go down now they might draw too much attention. And attention was the last thing he needed from everyone when it came to having a lover. If word got back to Val, he'd be double dead for sure.

"Fine." He growled the word as he pushed off the man and grabbed his phone. When he saw the message that had come in earlier, he smiled.

"What? Get a sexy message from another lover?" Husker teased. Angel's jaw dropped open a second before he smacked the man lightly.

"No. I got a message from my brother." He held the phone up for the man to see, which resulted in Husker squinting on the screen and leaning in closer to see the words. "He said that they went home but that we should do this again at some point." Husker hummed.

"And that's... a good thing, right?" The man followed him off the bed and to the bedroom door.

"Yes. Arackniss doesn't party. He's never been one to go out and have a good time with others, he's always preferred to be alone and tickle his ivories than meet up with other people." Angel threw his hands in the air as he spoke, but Husker stopped in the middle of the hallway to look at him in confusion.

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