Chapter 3

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Hours out of the hotel had left him tired, but in a good way. Dragging his haul in through the front door, he looked around the lobby for any sign of anyone. The only one he did see was Husker in his usual spot. The feline wasn't lazing about, though, but moving around behind the bar. Setting his bags down, Angel slid onto one of the bar stools and watched the cat for a moment. "What cha doin'?" Watching the other man jump brought a smile to his face. As Husker turned to give him a glare, he burst into laughter. "Geez! I didn't know I'd scare you after I came in the door all noisy and shit. That thing isn't exactly a quiet closer, you know?" Husker scoffed.

"Yeah, yeah, blame the door for how loud you are at every second." Cocking a brow, he couldn't resist.

"I'm sure you could make me quiet, if you give me something to-"

"Angel, I'm kinda busy right now. If you wanna bug someone, can't you bug someone else?" The cat waved him away before turning to focus on what he had been doing. Crossing his arms, the arachnid didn't move. Instead, he watched the feline as he counted bottles, glasses, jars, and an assortment of other things behind the bar. Angel recognized all of it as things Husker used to make drinks, but there was clearly just a bit more than normal.

"What are you doing? Inventory?" The other man tilted his head ever so slightly.

"Sort of. Taking stock for tonight. Charlie asked me to make drinks for everyone who wants 'em, so I'm making sure I have enough." The feline thought for a moment. "More than enough. If anyone more than us shows up to this thing, which is doubted but I'll be ready either way." Angel nodded slowly.

"I see. So, you're going because you don't have a choice, huh?" Husker shrugged before moving on to the next box. The two sat in silence for a decent amount of time while his mind roved over so many different questions. It kept coming back to one in particular, though. "Did you have any traditions when you were alive?" Husker stopped and turned to look at him in confusion.

"What the fuck are you going on about?"

"Traditions, Husk! Christmas traditions! Charlie said somethin' about it earlier and it's just been on my mind ever since. So, I'm curious what kinda traditions you might have had, that's all." The bartender thought for a moment. With a sigh, the man sat down on the stool he kept and leaned against the bartop.

"You know, I hadn't thought about any of that for a while, until this morning when Charlie told me about the party. And now you're here asking me about it... She didn't put you up to this shit, did she?" Angel snorted a laugh.

"As if! Nah, I just..." He shrugged. "I couldn't remember any of ours until I talked to my brother earlier. And now that I remember them, I can't believe I ever forgot 'em, you know?" Husker nodded slowly.

"You know, someone once told me that you'll always remember the bad shit over all the good. Now, he might've been really drunk and puking on my shoes in a bathroom, but... you can't win 'em all, right?" The feline shrugged casually with a chuckle and Angel felt himself relax as he did the same.

"At least he might not have remembered that bad time." Husker shook his head and gave him a rare smile. They sat in the relative quiet for a long moment before Angel sighed. "I guess he was right, though. All I've ever remembered about my family were the... not so great times that we've had. Things I'd rather not remember, you know? But talkin' with Nissy earlier, I'm starting to remember some little things that actually weren't that bad." Leaning against the bar to get the slightest bit closer to Husker, he smiled slyly. "What about you, huh?"

"What about me?" The other man pulled back and shifted uncomfortably on his stool.

"What happy moments do you have? Specifically for the holidays? And don't think I didn't notice that you didn't answer my question about traditions." The arachnid waggled a finger at him disapprovingly. Husker sighed and looked back at the boxes of supplies. He swore that if the cat told him he didn't have any, he would throw back his own advice. After a few breaths of silence, Husker looked down at his lap.

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