Chapter 4 : Going Home

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     You stayed at Tommy's house for a while, playing games, talking about past life, etc. You eventually decided it was time to go home and you called your mom. Your mom knows that Michael had told you that you were visiting Tommy's house, you gave her the address, and now waits for her to pick you up. You sat on the stairs that lead to the entrance of Tommy's house. You and Tommy sat down and chat for a while while your mom comes to pick you up.

     "How long do you think your mom will come here ?" Tommy asks you. "More than 15 minutes, maybe." You answers his question. "Um Tommy, do you have free Tim tomorrow ?" You asks him. "Yes Hikari, why ?" "Meet me at the park, you could probably bring your friends along as well. Because I wanna interact with Robotboy more, and talk to your friends as well."

     Your mom just in time arrived to pick you up, you got in the car and waved goodbye to Tommy as the car droves off.

     "Thank god Michael told me about this and thanks for sending me the address, otherwise I would've thought that you were gone missing." Mom told you about it. "Don't worry, I can handle myself." "Also, how's your first day at school Hikari ? I heard that some lunatic blow up one of the classrooms." She knew this because Michael told her about this incident, but he hasn't told her that it was your classroom that got blown up. "It was alright, though I'm not sure who that guy was, he already got away by the time police came." "I see, and by the way, we're having pizza for dinner today, hope that's alright with you." "It's fine Mom." You reply to her.

     You continue to look out of the window, you imagine what kind of adventures you would go with Tommy and his friends, or what kind of capabilities can Robotboy can defeat Dr Kamikazi and other villains that are trying to get him.

     For now, you just have to wait for tomorrow to go to the park for meeting with Tommy and his friends.

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