Chapter 36 - Confession

Start from the beginning

Iwaizumi is still waiting for a proper response.

"Iwa," Oikawa starts, "Remember when I told you I liked a girl?"

He thinks for a moment, then looks at me, "And you like him too?"

"Um... yeah." Admitting it out loud to someone was strange, especially since it's Iwaizumi I'm talking to.

"How long has this been going on?"

"Almost two weeks, maybe?" Oikawa states. I don't understand how he's being so chill about this. Well, he did want to tell Iwa and Aya about us, I was the one being scared.

Iwaizumi stares at Oikawa. He's silent. It made me nervous.

"...I knew you liked her, but I wasn't expecting her to like you back."

"What?" Oikawa widened his eyes.

"It's not hard to tell when you actually like someone."

"How...? I wasn't being obvious!"

"When we went to the beach, you were literally drooling over her while we played chicken."

"Drooling?" I mutter.

"I was not drooling!"

"Does Aya know?" Iwa changes the subject.

I frowned, "...No. You're the only one who knows now..."

It goes quiet again.

"Listen, I swear I wanted to tell you, but I was being a huge baby about this whole situation. I'm really sorry." I keep my eyes on the ground.

"There's no need to apologize." Iwa says.

I look up at him, "You're not mad?"

"Why would I be mad? I'm not going to stop my friends from being with someone they like. Y/N, I liked you a while ago. If we were together, maybe that would be a different story, but..." He pauses, "As long as you guys are happy, it's fine."

I don't know why I thought Iwa would be mad. With the way he's acted in all these situations I've gotten myself into, the last thing he would be is angry. I was worrying too much.

"Thanks, Iwa..." I say.

"Iwa, thank you!" Oikawa fake cries and pulls Iwaizumi into a hug, taking him by surprise, "I appreciate you so much!"

"What, are you five? Stop acting like that!" Iwa pushes Oikawa off him, watching as he laughs.

"Ok, we should head home now." Iwa begins walking to the doors.

"Wait, do you wanna get food with us?" Oikawa asks.

"I am not third wheeling."

"No, please don't leave me alone with him."

"Get used to it, Y/N, I have to deal with him all day."

"You guys are rude!"

Iwaizumi exits the school, his chuckle fading away. I remained in the same spot.

"Are you good?" Oikawa asks, breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah, it just... it feels like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders." I breathe a sigh of relief.

"I told you Iwa would be fine with it. We just gotta tell Aya now."

I nod, "I will. Tomorrow. Maybe..."

"Aya isn't gonna ditch you, Y/N."

"I know, I know. It's just weird..."

"What's weird?"

"It's weird that I... like you." I made a face after saying that. The more that I think about it and say it out loud, the weirder it gets.

"What's weird about that?"

"I dunno." I started taking steps to the exit, Oikawa following behind, "I thought you were too flirty, and annoying."

"And now?"

"You're still too flirty and annoying."

"Wow, thanks." Oikawa wipes a fake tear from his eye, "I always thought you were boring. Falling asleep at parties and stuff..."

"Well, clearly, it's not the same now since you wanna hang out 24/7. I didn't think you'd be so clingy."

"I'm not clingy."

"Yeah, you are. And you always wanna touch me. Is that your love language or something?"

"Yep." Oikawa pushes me against a wall, making me gasp. His hands held my face to look at him. I was completely still as he stared at me. The same stare he gives before he's about to kiss me. It always made me nervous, and him randomly doing this with no warning was amplifying the feeling.

"Hah," He smiles, "You should see your face right now."

"Fuck off." I pulled my face away, shoving him as he laughed. I couldn't help but try to hide a smile though. His laughter was contagious.

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