*They go to play house. Paper goes to Knife to tell him something very important.*

Paper: Hey Knife. 

Knife: Paper. What's up my bro?

Paper: Umm. Can you keep a secret? I don't want OJ to know about this.

Knife: Um. Ok. What is it?

Paper: Well, since I've been calm and not turned to my evil self, my parents thought it would be best if we moved back to our old home.

Knife: WHAT!!! I mean uhhh that sucks. But at least you get to go back to your old home right?

Paper: Yeah. I guess. But me and OJ have been together for a while. I don't want him to feel upset that I have to move.

Knife: Well don't worry. Your secret is safe with me.

Paper: Thanks Knife. I can always count on you!

*Paper walks away.*

Knife: Yeah. Count on me. (Sigh)

*Now we go to Baseball, Nickel, and Suitcase who are also about to share some news as well.*

Nickel: So what do you want to tell us?

Baseball: Well, you know how I'm living with my dad now right?

Suitcase: Yeah. What about it?

Baseball: Well because of that, I'm gonna be going to a new school next year.

Nickel: Yeah me too.

Baseball and Suitcase: Wait What!!?

Nickel: Yeah. This lady was telling my mom that there's a school that provides good education. And she was thinking of enrolling me and my younger brother in it.

Suitcase: So both of you guys are gonna move? What's with everyone moving?

Nickel: Come again?

Suitcase: Balloon told me he was moving too. Apparently his mom got a job at a school and he said he's gonna go to the school she's working at.

Nickel: Huh? That is strange.

*Marshmallow, Apple, and Bow just arrived at the school. Marshmallow sees that Paintbrush was sitting alone again.*

Marshmallow: Hey guys. I need to do something real quick.

Bow: Ok. We'll meet you by the plushie mountain.

*Marshmallow walks to Paintbrush.*

Marshmallow: So. Did you stop having friends and have a crush on me again? Or are you in trouble?

Paintbrush: Haha. Hey Marsh. It's neither actually.

Marshmallow: So why are you here by yourself again? 

Paintbrush: (Sigh) I'm trying to avoid Lightbulb, Fan, and Test Tube. Mainly because I've gotten some news from my parents that I'm moving to a different state next year.

Marshmallow: What? Why are you moving?

Paintbrush: Ugh! My parents said that this school isn't fit for me. And they talked to my aunt to find a way for me to get into the private school that they have over there. And now I'm gonna have to go to school with my cousin.

Marshmallow: Oh wow. Well at least you'll go to school with your cousin.

Paintbrush: I hate my cousin.

Marshmallow: Really? How so?

Paintbrush: Ugh. He's such an idiot. He's very annoying to be with. And this last time, he was bragging about how much girls loved him!! I hate that!!! 

Marshmallow: Oh he's a showoff kind of cousin.

Paintbrush: Yeah. Plus..... He doesn't know that I'm non-binary. What if he makes fun of me?

Marshmallow: Well. I hope that doesn't happen. But I'm sure it'll go well. 

Paintbrush: (SIgh) I just wish I didn't have to go. I've grown to like you guys so much. I don't know how I'll make friends next year.

Marshmallow: Everything will be ok. Paintbrush. And I'm sure everything will go well next year.

Paintbrush: Thanks Marsh. You know, I can't believe we're talking after I had a crush on you for a couple of months.

Marshmallow: Time sure changes.

*Lightbulb was looking at Paintbrush and Marshmallow talking.*

Lightbulb: I can't believe it! They're talking to her again!! I'm seriously wondering if we went to the past.

Test Tube: Oh boy.

*The Floor was overhearing all of what was going on. He goes to his friends.*

The Floor: Guys guys, You're not going to believe what's happening?

Silver Spoon: What! What is it?

The Floor: Everyone Is Moving!!!?

Tea Kettle: Ok. What's the big deal about that?

Cabby: Don't you see? If everyone leaves, that means less kids. Which means if new kids come next year, we'll become popular. Because we'll know more about the school than anyone!!

Clover: WEEE!!! We're Gonna be Popular!!!

Newbie 9: Popular!!!

*During class, MePhone was doing his work. That is until his danger senses start to trigger.*

MePhone4: What the? What's going on?

*His danger senses were still bothering him.*

MePhone4: Something's happening!!?

*He quickly goes to MePad and Toilet.*

MePhone4: MePad! Toilet! We Have To Go!!

Toilet: But we're doing our work!

MePad: We can't just-

MePhone4: Come On!!

*He grabs both of them.*

MePad and Toilet: Woah!!

To Be Continued

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