Chapter 1: The Darkness Awaits

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A hill. A small prominence in an otherwise dull landscape. Upon this grassy mound rested a large oak tree, believed by the community to be older than the town itself. Its gnarled features still gave way to lush green leaves, creating a comforting umbrella of umbrage.

You often came back to this very spot, to step back and reflect on what your life has become. Or what it could have been. Though it had no eyes, the ancient tree was like an eagle that soared above the town, always watching. You on the other hand came here to get away from it all. From here, everything seemed less overbearing, stress diminished for the time being.

A soft, slow wind had joined you, faintly rolling the grass and tussling with your (H/C) hair. You released a deep breath, (E/C) globes scanning what lie below, catching a murder of crows far-off before gradually making their way to the old lighthouse.

Nothing really happened in this town. Built on a craggy cliffside that progressively petered out into the deep blue, it seemed like the ideal destination. There was the library, town hall, grocery and department stores, a hardware store, and more; everything needed to thrive and flourish.

It had been a complete and utter failure.

Now this town had just become any other ordinary marking on the map. New faces rarely sprouted from this place. Visitors were far and few between, and those that did find themselves in this presumably long-forgotten destination merely used it as a pit stop for some other journey.

You kneeled down slowly, placing yourself in a relaxed position before gazing back out at the lighthouse once again. "What could have been" was the motto of this town. Your father used to work the lighthouse, a few years back before fate forcefully ripped him from your grasp and he went missing. Maybe that's why people don't visit the once shining beaches a short car drive away anymore, after finding the bloated and mangled corpse of what once was a living man upon its shores. He wasn't even recognizable, other than the familiar work attire he had donned that day.

The residents here shared the same fate as your father; shells of themselves. Ghosts. Though shining rays of light fell upon you at this moment, this place you've lived in, most of its time was lived under sheets of harsh rain and blaring winds. Metaphorically and literally.

Thinking back, school life wasn't anything different. So...ordinary. Usually, father would drive you early to school so he could get to his shift, so subsequently with his death, it was handed to your mother. Though that didn't end well either.

The police had told you it was a rockslide that crushed her car and scattered it across the cliffside road. In your opinion, she could have been saved. You almost were swayed by their words: the embalmer had done a fantastic job in covering up her broken bones, nose, and cleaved appendages. From word that traveled around back then, it was a supposed 30 minutes before the police finally decided to wake up from their donut nap and race to the scene.

You were in the middle of one of your classes when they pulled you to the side, relaying the information and letting you off the rest of the day. You weren't popular, nor an outcast at the school a brief car ride away, so only a few at first seemed to care. But as you knew all too well, word spreads like wildfire. Though no one came up to you and said it, you were promptly dubbed, "The Accident".

What could have been.

Your parents had actually left you a handsome sum in their wills. You could have left this obsolete town and its horrid memories, but something always called you back to say. Instinct? Fate? College had been a fun time, though an even farther drive away, where you focused on (Favorite subject/course), while dwelling on extracurricular activities like (Favorite activities). At least there, people were either too busy with their noses in books or partying at Frat houses to know too much about you, including your past.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2023 ⏰

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