🫶 Mental Health Day/ Cardinal Copia

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You were in your room, your body wrapped up in your comfort blanket as you lay in your bed.

You hadn't moved all morning, having awoke with no motivation to even roll over.

You were having a down day, as you call it, causing you to decide to just spend your day off in your room to recoup yourself after the long work week.


It was now later in the day and you had yet to surface from your quarters.

You didn't feel like walking around the ministry like you usually do. The thought of getting up making you grumble.

That's when you heard a knock at your door. Your hands moving up to rub your eyes as you grumbled.

"Hey uh, Y/N... Are you okay? I haven't heard from you all day, are you feeling alright? Can I come in?" The Cardinals voice rang out from outside your quarters, concern lacing his voice.

You had been crying on and off all day when you weren't sleeping instead, so the thought of the Cardinal seeing you like this scared you.

You liked the man so you didn't want him to see you in such a state, but you didn't want to shoo him away and make him think you didn't want to see him either.

"O-oh uh... Ya ya... You can come in." You said, a slight quiver in your voice.

The man walked in, his awkward figure coming around the corner to face ya.

He instantly picked up on your mood, his face falling into a frown as he placed the food he brought for ya on the nightstand by your bed.

Oh cara, you're having a rough day again, aren't you?" He said, taking note of the look in your eyes, knowing you'd been crying.

You slowly nodded, a sniffle coming from you as you looked at the man. "I'm sorry for ignoring you all day, I just couldn't bring myself to do anything." You told him, fearing that he may be upset about being ignored.

"Cara... cara, don't apologize for being down for the day, alright? We all have our days and sometimes you just need some alone time." He said, carefully sitting on the end of your bed. His hand resting on your leg. "I care about you Y/N and whatever you need to do to feel better works for me, okay?"

You looked up at him, taking in his words, now tearing up despite how hard you tried not to. "I-I- thank you Copia, that means a lot to me." You said, sitting up from your position as you moved to hug the man.

Copia was taken aback for a second at your sudden actions. His arms now wrapping around you as he held you closer, rubbing his hand along your back in an attempt to comfort you. "Shhhh, you're welcome cara."

You two continued to stay in this position, neither of you speaking for awhile as you let it all out. All of your pent up emotions coming out at once.

Despite you being in an antisocial mood all day, not wanting to even hear anyone speak, something about Copia always helped you instantly feel better. Somehow he was able to draw all the bad emotions out of you like a vacuum and you didn't know how.

Just something about him being around you made it impossible to be upset.

As you finally started to calm down, your heaves for breath relaxing, the man holding you hesitantly layed a kiss on your head.

You had widened your eyes, looking up at the man as you processed his actions, your face flushing pink as you smiled, your expression softening.

Copia held his breath, his gaze moving away from you as his face flushed red. He didn't even think about doing that, his instincts just bringing him to do it.

You now buried your face into the man's shoulder, taking in the man's scent.

It was always comforting to you, the hint of butterscotch mixed with cologne always making you smile.

You always knew he liked those little candies, insuring to always have some in his pockets in case he or you wanted one.

"Thank you, mi Pectore." You said, now looking the man in the eyes.

Copia's face turned bright pink at your name for him, trying his best to process your words. His hand came up to cup your cheek, his expression softening as he leaned in, placing a light kiss on your other cheek. "It's my pleasure, amor."

You're face was now bright pink as well, your head leaning against copia's hand on your cheek. "Please Copia, please stay with me tonight." You said, your eyes closing at the comfort of his touch. You didn't want him to leave, especially now that you two were having such a beautiful moment. Not wanting to lose his comforting aura.

"Of course cara, I'd love to." He said, his body shifting to the top of the bed, laying down as he motioned you to do the same.

You moved over as well, moving so your face was buried into his chest, your legs intertwined.

Copia pulled the blankets up over you both, insuring you two stayed warm. His arms wrapping around you as he pulled you closer. "I love you cara, I have for awhile now, so whenever you need me please don't hesitate to get me." He said as he placed a kiss on your forehead, his hands rubbing your back for comfort.

"I... I love you too Copia, thank you again." You said, yawning as you snuggled up with the man.

You eventually fell asleep in copia's arms, your face buried into the comfort of his body, Copia soon following suit once he made sure you were asleep and wouldn't need anything else.

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