"Dylan's Viewpoint"

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I told my friends, "I have to go. See you later."

I ran to go find Amber and her friends. I didn't know where they would be. The next thing I heard was a big crack from a gun. I turned my head around to the direction where I heard a crack come from and ran toward it.

I had found Amber's friends first but I didn't find her. "Where's Amber?!" I yelled at her friend. When she didn't answer me, I asked her again, this time squeezing her arms almost numb.

She looked at me scared and crying; then she pointed a shivering finger behind me.

When I turned around, I was shocked when I saw the prisoner here at our school. When I looked at the prisoner, I felt like he was mocking and laughing at me. He pointed down. I followed his finger slowly. When I looked down, I was stunned and shocked at the sight of Amber looking lifeless on the ground with a puddle of her blood surrounding her.

I yelled, "Someone call 911."

I ran up to her as fast as I could. Not knowing if I was too late or not.

When I finally reached her, I walked up to her slowly. I sat down next to her with tears running down my face. I picked her up. I held her head with one arm and her body with the other. I asked crying my heart out, "Amber, can you hear me?"

Whenever she didn't answer the first time, I just sat there crying.

I decided to ask her one more time, "Amber baby, can you hear me? If you can please say something."

I waited for what felt like forever to see if she would respond; then she asked, "Dylan?" in a whisper gasping for air.

I chuckled and said happily, "Yeah Amber. It's me."

She had picked her head up and said, "I am sorry and I am going to miss you."

I looked at her crying. I told her, "No, don't talk like that."

She took one final breath and said one last thing, "I love you forever and always Dylan."

I started to cry as she closed her baby blue eyes and she never opened them again. I asked her crying, "Amber? Amber, are you there?"

When she didn't answer I put my ear to her chest. I heard two last heart beats slowly then... stopped. When I didn't hear her heartbeat anymore, I sat her head on the ground softly and said, "I love you, Amber forever and always too. I will never forget you. I promise."

Then I leaned up to her and gave her one final gentle kiss on her forehead. I waved my hands to two of my friends to come to me. They came running to me as soon as I did.

When they reached me, I told them, "Take her body somewhere safe, ok."

They looked at me with worried glances and one of them asked, "What are you going to do man?"

At first, I didn't say anything. I got up from the ground slowly. I told them in a serious tone looking straight at the prisoner evilly, "I am going to give him a taste of his own medicine."

Right when I said that they exchanged glances and grabbed Amber and put her next to her friends. They cried their eyes out for her when she reached them.

Then for a moment everything went completely quiet. I walked up to the prisoner slowly both mad and sad.

Then he asked, "What are you going to do to me boy?"

I looked at him with fire in my eyes and said, "I am going to kill your sorry ass!!"

He looked at me and laughed in the air and asked, "For what? What did I do so badly that you want to kill me?"

A Sad GoodbyeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon