Chapter Sixty Two.

Start from the beginning

He smiled at her. "You think?"

"My opponent is full of crap!" Devon's voice rose, catching their attention. "His evidence is garbage, his arguments don't make a kick of sense, and I was bored to death. Which is ironic considering we're nearing the death penalty!"

Sydney found herself chuckling. "Okay, I like her."

"Uh, you're not going to deduct points for lack of decorum?" The boy on the other team asked the judge.

"Screw decorum!" Devon sneered. "Wanna know what I really think of the death penalty?"

She walked over and took the book from his stand and tore it in half.  She threw it at him.  "Choke on it.  I cede my time."

Sydney's eyes were wide.  "Jesus,  she's scary.  I love it."

Bert leaned up.  "Sensei,  that was the girl I told you about.  She love's extracurriculars."

"Can it,  Bert,"  Johnny interrupted.  "I just found the second most badass girl in the valley."

Sydney walked down the hallway to her next class when she saw people whispering in the main hall

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Sydney walked down the hallway to her next class when she saw people whispering in the main hall. Curious, Sydney walked past the open double doors and her heart dropped. Tory and Sam stood face to face, Sam glaring while Tory looked slightly defeated.

Eyes fell on Sydney as she stared at the girl and they started to whisper more. Sam turned around after saying something to the girl and she froze when she saw Sydney. She quickly walked past her without saying a word and Sydney stood there with Tory staring at her.


"Just. . ." Sydney stopped her and raised her hand. "I don't care that you're back. I don't think you're stupid enough to start enough fight that'll get you thrown in juvie. But just know, if you go anywhere near Miguel or pull him into whatever shit you try to start, I will come for you. No hesitation."

Sydney left the girl standing there, frowning, and she walked down the hallway to where Miguel was. He was standing at his locker when he saw the girl and he smiled. "Hey."

"She's back." Sydney stated.

Miguel furrowed his brows. "What, who?"

"Tory. She's back," she said again, her voice hardening. "She's back and now I feel like I want to punch a wall."

Miguel eyes widened. "Okay, okay, it's okay."  He took her hands. "Why are you upset?"

"Why?" She asked in disbelief. "Maybe because the last time she was here, she started a fight that almost caused you to die! You think I want her here with you or any of our friends?"

"Syd, it's okay," he assured her. "I'm okay. Nothing is going to happen again."

Sydney sighed and combed her hand through her hair. "I'm stressing out. I'm going to get stress acne."

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