I opened it and inside had her fathers writing on it,

Property of:
Black Manor

Sirius Black 03/16/96__
Margot Black 04/01/96_

The pages were dusty inside, it looked like it hadn't been touched since.

I began to read the book myself.


I found myself loving the book that I had just read. It was really good and I hadn't paused once.

I made sure to sign my name on it as well, just because I felt like it was only right.

I closed the book putting it back on its shelf and looked at Margot who was still asleep.

As tired as I was, I couldn't sleep. I felt guilty enough for everything that had been going on, I didn't want to sleep while she was like this. But I had do.


It was the next day, I still hadn't slept. I rested my eyes here and there, but I was never asleep.

Margot had woken up and looked surprised by my presence.

She slowly sat up, I quickly stood up walking over to her making sure she was fine. "My stomach hurts." She said quietly. A sense of relief filled my body. The first thing she's said to me in days. She didn't speak at all yesterday.

"Do you need to throw up? I can help you to the bathroom." I sat in front of her on the bed.

"No. But I need to use it. And I need to shower." She wouldn't meet my eyes, it's like she was afraid to.

"I'll help you." I held out my hands which she hesitantly took and I helped her stand up.

She held her stomach where the stab wounds were stitched up and we slowly walked to the bathroom. I let her take her time.

"I'll just be outside. If you need me-"

"Can you leave the door cracked? I don't want it closed all the way." She asked as she held onto the countertop sink.

I nodded and cracked the door, waiting just outside of her bathroom.

She flushed the toilet and washed her hands for a few minutes.

"I need some clothes." She opened the door. "Oh uh- yeah I'll get you some. Give me a second." I quickly searched around her room.

I opened her drawers to see them full of her clothes. She must've not been able to come back here after Sirius died.

I pulled out a hoodie and sweatpants. I went in another drawer and pulled out a pair of underwear along with some socks.

I folded everything together and came back setting it all on the toilet seat cover. "Thank you." She said. "Someone will have to re wrap me.." she swallowed a lump in her throat looking down.

"I'll be there to help you. Remember, I'm always here for you." I said and she looked up at me with watery eyes.

I left the bathroom after I turned the shower on for her.

It took me a long time to take everything off without hurting myself, but it all hurt either way.

I slowly walked into my shower, my legs weak with every step, the hot water hitting my skin. My skin burned as it wasn't used to the feeling of a shower especially with the marks on me.

I didn't want to stay in here for long, my legs were going to collapse any minute now.

It took me everything not to break down and cry again, but I did. I couldn't help it.

I scrubbed my hair with my shampoo carefully, the soap that ran down my body burned even more and I almost screamed.

Once I was done conditioning and brushing my hair, it was time to wash my body.

I had no idea how I could do this. Most parts of my body was covered in scars and cuts and wounds and bruises.

I couldn't face the fact that I had to touch myself down there to get cleaned. The place that was last touched by Dolohov. The man who had raped me.

I shakily brought my loofah to my body and scrubbed as softly as I could, I got clean but some parts were just too sensitive and still healing which had started bleeding in the shower.

I was close to giving up on cleaning myself up. I knew that no matter how many times I washed my body, I wouldn't feel the same.

Any guesses on who ratted Margot and Mattheo out to voldy??

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