Chapter 1

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Fenn arrives on Endor in search of BB-8. He follows the location past trees and leaves. He arrives at a tree with a log that is on top of the tree. Suddenly he hears blaster fire in the distance. "Fire" he yelps as he is getting fired at. The mysterious figure approaches as it stops shooting. Fenn whispers "Hold your fire. I'm going ahead stay here." The group all agrees as Fenn goes into the unknown of the planet. He asks "Who are you?" The hooded figure asks "Who are you?" As the figure removes there hood to reveal a girl with black hair a white dress, black pants, and brown eyes. They both move closer to get a closer look at each other. "What's your name." Fenn says "Beytana" she said "What is your's?" Fenn said "Fenn, What are you doing here?" Beytana says " My ship crashed and a important part was destroyed." She said "What are you doing here?" Fenn said "I'm looking for a droid. Have you seen it? It is Orange and white. A BB unit." There was only silence. While he could still see part of the girl but not a lot. "Come out into the light." He demanded He watched as she stepped out into the light . As he was able to see the full scar on her face. As he looked at her a Orange and white BB unit rolled out from behind her. He pulled out his lightsaber to her neck . He said "How did you get that droid?" She pushed him down and threw the lightsaber as she asked "Why do you need BB-8?" As she held a metal pole from the wreckage of her ship. Fenn said "If I tell you will you let me take the droid." "Depends" she shrugs as BB-8 hold out his blue flame. He said "I need the droid to find Rey Skywalker. I'm part of the Resistance." "Rey" she said "Rey Skywalker" Fenn said " Do you know her." She said "I heard stories." Suddenly there was a noise coming from behind them as all of the troop was down. Suddenly storm troopers started shooting from behind. Fenn force pulls his lightsaber to himself and takes out 3 of the 15 storm troopers. While Beytana takes out two with her metal pipe. Then Fenn gets blasted with a five minute freeze blast. Beytana while no one was looking knocks 3 of them out with her metal pipe. Then she knocks out two more with a nearby log. Then knocks the rest of them out by force pulling them together with ease. Suddenly the blast wears off of Fenn. "Did you take them out?" Fenn said not being able to see what just happened. "Yep" she replied "Do you want to come back to our base and fix your ship?" He said "Yes."she said in a very stern voice "Why are you doing this?" He replied "Well you seem stuck and you are definitely not working with the second order and we might be able to get some information from this droid." She nods and Her, BB-8, and Fenn head to his ship as they climb aboard the ship and drag her ship into it. Fenn says to the pilot "Set course to Yavin 4." The pilot nods his head. Fenn looks at Beytana and asks "So where are you from?" Beytana replies "I'm not really from anywhere I have just always been on the move. Where are you from?" Fenn said "I am from Yavin 4." Beytana said "Well that still doesn't explain the saber." Fenn said "I am a Jedi. My father taught me and Rey taught him. That's why we need to find her. To help us with the second order." She said "Yeah." The pilot then said "We are entering light speed in 3 2 1." They all griped on to there seats. The pilot then pulled back on the lever and stopped the hyper space. 

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