Evie's POV

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Mean while back in Auradon it's now 10am. Everyone is in class taking a test. It's testing day for everyone in every class.

I walk down the big corridor to the boys rooms. I stop in my tracks when I see Doug. He hates me for leaving him for Mal. I don't really want to speak to him but he's walking my way. I start to panic and I don't know what to do. I'm panicking. But before I have time to run away he stops me with "Hey Evie how are you"

Doug: Hey evie how are you"

Evie: oh hey Doug I'm doing good just heading to Jay and Carlos. How are you?

Doug: I'm doing ok. Still a little hurt but I can't hate you forever. We were best friends before everything and I just want us back to friends. I miss my best friend.

Evie. So your not mad at me anymore. I thought you said you hated me and were going to for the rest of your life.

Doug: I was wrong. I suspected you had a thing for Mal for a while now. I just didn't want to believe it. Can we please be friends.

Evie: can I have time to think things through. I have to get Jay and Carlos it's testing day for classes.

Doug: ya take all the time you need. And oh shoot it is testing day and I'm late. Fairy God mother will not be pleased with us. I got to go evie but it was nice talking to you.

Fast forward 20 mins.

Evie: Hey guys we are late for testing fairy God mother will not be pleased.

Boys: oh shoot I'm late I'm late I'm late I'm late this is not good.

Evie: i don't like being late either. Also today is my first class with out Mal. 😥 I wonder if she will come and see me after our tests.

Boys: I'm sure she will come and see you after your done. She's at work right now remember. I hope she makes enough money for our trip tho.

Evie: what trip?

Boys: you know the after school parry trip. We graduated this year. This party is going to be off the hook.

Evie: oh yea the after graduation party. Duh how could I possibly ever forget. I've just been so busy studying and thinking of Mal that it totally slipped my mind.

Fairy God Mother: why are you 3 not in class it's testing day. I'd suggest you get to class before your even more late and if you intend to graduate this year.

Everyone: Yes fairy God mother.

Testing went well in my opinion. I am almost 💯 sure that passed and will be well on the road for graduation. I just hope I qualify enough to be able to move off campus with Mal. Oh how I miss Mal and wish she could cuddle me now. I can't seem to get Mal off my mind and into studying for my next test. I have to pass if I'm going to be able to live with Mel.

Fast forward 24 hours from now.

I did it I completed my tests. Now all I need to do is wait for the results on if I graduate now. The Boy have already got there results. There graduating in june. The girls are the only ones that need theirs. I hope I passed. If I did ima look at housing with Mal. I've been so side tracked with daydreaming about Mal. Oh how Mal looked so hot today. Like fuck she looked so good. I just wish she was here rn. I'd kiss her so much and so hard against the door to her dorm. I was so busy daydreaming that u didn't even hear the boys yelling my name until they started waving there hands in my face.

Boys: yo evie you good. Hello evie you there. Earth to evie.

Evie: oh hey Jay and Carlos um um how how long have you guys been here for.

Boys: long enough to know you were day dreaming. So what were you day dreaming about (wink wink)

Evie: oh um don't make fun of me but I was dreaming of Mel. Oh how I miss Mal. I want to see her. Can we go see her at work today? I mean I know I can but do you guys have and plans now that we're all done with testing.

Boys: we have a game today but after we are free. What do you want to bring her. I'd say something that says I love you. And don't say you don't love her yet when we just caught you day dreaming about her. So go look in the gift shop and find someone nice for Mal and we will meet you there when the game is over. Unless you want to be there to cheer us on.


Hey so I noticed you guys saw my error in the story I have been gone so long that I spaced on how I have been spelling it in the past. I've had a rough year that I've been gone. I'm so sorry that I haven't updated in a while. Thank you to those who saw the error and corrected me. Your not rude at all. Actually I quite appreciate it. Also if you have any ideas on making this chapter longer please consult with me in private message and send me your ideas bc I have writers block once again

03/24/24 1:11am
So sorry guys I've been gone for so long for about another year or so. I've been extremely busy and had a rough time. I have writers block once again and I also met my biological family and living with them has been a rough road. These past few years have been hard for me. I might be gone for a bit again bc I have something very important to deal with on the 27th and the outcome of that might prevent me from writing for a few months or years but I promise you guys I'll try my hardest to come back and write more. Also the idea of having Evie bring something to Mal's work and asking her out is a good idea. Or having Mal bring something to Evie and ask her out is a good idea I might work on it in a few days to make this chapter longer. Anyways ima head to bed but I promise you guys I will try my hardest to update more and not so late but I can't promise it will be perfect or on time. Love you all my fans and thanks for being here for me on this journey.

Hey guys it's me again your author so do you know me being gone for so long? I kind of forgot where I stated where Mal works let alone where I'm even at in the story so if somebody can message me and give me some details to help me remember that'll be great. also if I remember correctly I think I was gonna put Ben and Doug together or Ben and Jay together or Ben and Carlos together. I also don't remember if I said that Evie is in school. So I'm kind of lost here. Anybody that has been keeping up with this let me know some details that would be great and even more ideas to like make me not forget where I am and help me make the story bigger and better.

~ thx so much guys for the support love your author!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09 ⏰

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