This was too much for me, I looked over to Victoria who wasn't even paying attention, just playing games on her phone, I got up and headed for the door of the set, 'Y/N, where are you going?' Victoria said, looking up from her phone.

'I'm not going to watch my boyfriend practically fucking these two random girls!' I stormed out of the building and to Damiano's trailer, it took me a minute to find but when I got there I immediately got my things to leave, I couldn't bear to see him after that. I grabbed my purse and was about to head out before Damiano entered the trailer

*** (Damiano's POV)

'Alright, those shots look great. Thanks Damiano you're all done' the director instructed as I nodded brushing my now messy hair out my eyes, trying to catch my breath. That was intense.

Standing up from the plush lounge, my eyes glanced over the room looking for Y/N but I couldn't see her anywhere, only a slightly confused Vic.

'Hey, where's Y/N?' I asked Vic, picking my shirt up off the floor.

'No idea, we were just sitting here and then she took off out the door' she explained shrugging, looking around.

'Oh, erm ok. I'll go look, thanks Vic' I smiled patting her shoulder before heading out to look for Y/N.

Heading back to my trailer I called her phone over and over but no answer, wherever she was I just hoped she was ok.

I swung open the door to my trailer, emotionally exhausted. Looking to my left I noticed a slightly hunched figure stuffing their belongings into their bag and my heart rate began to slow.

'Y/N! I was wondering where you got to' I chuckled heading over and placing my hand on her back, which she immediately swatted away as she spun around to face me. Her eyes seemed red and puffy as if she'd been crying.

'Y/N? Bambina you've been cryi-' before I could finish she pushed a finger harshly to my lips.

'Don't... just leave it. I'm going home' she huffed, her voice wavered slightly.

I couldn't help but snigger at her, the day had only just begun! 'Don't be stupid, we're going out for drinks after this everyone will be there' I smiled gleefully trying to twirl her into my arms as she harshly let go of my grasp.

'Everyone huh? Even those girls?!' Y/N asked her voice slightly raised

'Well yeah they were part of the video? When I said everyone I meant everyone' I explained, taking a bottle of water off the table.

She scoffed 'Of course they will... perfect chance for another feel' Y/N rolled her eyes, an irritable tone lacing her voice. I don't understand what could've got her so wound up, she'd eagerly anticipated watching us film this video for months.

'What are you on about Y/N?! What's got you in such a shit mood!' I hissed back, getting fed up with her attitude.

She gasped slightly as her eyes began to gloss over, her cheeks turning red with anger 'I'm not fucking stupid Damiano, I saw you flirting with them! And I've never seen you as happy as when they were touching you!' She yelled.

Was she insane? She knew I wouldn't even dare flirt with another girl let alone three! She knew I loved her and no one compared!

'Y/N I would never cheat on you, it's called acting! Maybe you should try it some time and try not to act like a jealous bitch all the time!' I shouted back, throwing my hands in the air as I spoke, my cheeks burning.

A thick lingering silence suffocated us both, stopping us from speaking. The tension immeasurable, the rush of adrenaline settling down as I realised what I'd said, seeing my girlfriend, the love of my life, breakdown in tears in front of me.

My heart shattered seeing her frame crumple as she almost collapsed to her knees, holding her hand against her mouth trying to hold in her sobs as the tears cascaded down her cheeks.

'Y/N, Bambina... I-I didn't mean that, you know I'd never mean that!' I crouched next to her pulling her into my chest as my heart began beating rapidly as her sobs became audible.

As she cried into my chest I held her tighter, my shirt now damp from her tears 'Y/N, please, I'm sorry... you know I don't mean those things. You're all I could ask for and more, I'm so sorry... non lasciarmi'

I exhaled shakily, squeezing her tighter, a few stray tears running down my face, unbeknown to me Y/N's sniffles were beginning to subside.

'I'd never leave you Damia... I'm sorry I got so overprotective' she sighed, wiping my tears as she smiled softly, reassuring me that everything was ok. I now noticed the ends of her fingers, she always picked at them when she was anxious.

I took her hands in mine, kissing her knuckles over and over 'I'm so sorry...'

'Ti Amo' I eventually smiled, seeing her beginning to settle. I planted a kiss firmly on her head pulling her back into my chest as she hugged me back, both of us just laying in silence as we calmed ourselves down.

What I didn't expect was Y/N to break into a small giggle fit.

'What are you laughing at?' I chuckled, rubbing her arm comfortingly.

'Look at us, crying over three girls we met a few hours ago, on the floor of a dirty trailer' she giggled burying her head in my chest as I began laughing along with her.

'I don't care where I am as long as you're with me' I smiled, squeezing her slightly as she planted a small peck on my jaw, a sweetness I'd grown to love returning to her face.

She groaned standing up, offering her hand out as she pulled me up 'well if you don't care where we are... can we go home? ... before I get too jealous' she smirked cheekily nudging my arm as I rolled my eyes.

'Whatever you want amore mio' I smiled as we stepped out of the trailer.

'Hey! Damiano!' One of the girls Isabella called, stopping us in our tracks, Y/N gripping onto my arm tighter.

'Oh hi, you ok?' I asked, trying to get her out of our way as soon as possible.

She nodded, humming, almost seductively 'You coming to the party?' She asked, bouncing on her heels.

I hissed my teeth scratching the back of my neck 'Actually no, I'm off home with Y/N, my girlfriend' I added proving a point to Isabella as the colour drained from her face.

She scoffed rolling her eyes 'fine, your loss' she mumbled before spinning on her heel and walking away.

Looking at Y/N the sweetest grin was plastered on her face as she stood on her tip toes to give me a kiss. Why would she ever think I'd want to be with anyone else when she's this perfect.


again major props to @Damianos_Supermodel she is an absolutely amazing writer and i'm so glad to have been working with her!

love you all so much,

caz out.

word count: 2532

~ damiano david imagines ~Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon