Chapter 9

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~Scaramouches pov~

"And you fell asleep on his lap?!" 
"* sigh * yes Childe, I did. I was tired..."

I sighed again and told Childe the rest of what happened. He passed by us when I was asleep and now he is sitting on my bed, demanding me to tell him everthing that happened. 

"Oh my god, you guys have to get together. It's so obvious that you guys like eachother." Childe giggeled. "Ask him out on a date." 
"We are not even dating, he wouldn't accept it as a 'dAtE'."
"You don't know that."
"Well..- how would you know, that he would accept." I said feeling my face slowing turn red. 
"Just try."
"And embarrass me? No way."

We both sat there in silence until Childe spoke up again. 

"You know, take your time. It's your first time after all, heh." 

After saying that he left the room. 

~time skip till next morning~

~Kazuhas pov~

I went to school early today, hoping I'd find Heizou which I did. I saw him sitting on a bench reading a book and walked up to him. 

"Morning!" I yelled and shocked him for a moment.
"Oh, morning Kazuha. How are you doing?" He greeted me. 
"I'm fine. Hey.. Can I ask you something?" 
"Sure, what is it?"

I took a deep breath, not really knowing what to say. 
"Uhm, so.. it's about Scaramouche." 
"Oh? Did something happen?" 
"No.. well not really. You see, I always get this weird feeling when I'm around him. I thought you may know more about it?" 
"Uhhh, could you uhm.. discribe? The Feeling." 
"It feels like... I don't know I always feel a little excited whenever we talk or touch eachother. I .. want him to be closer and stay with me..." My heart started pounding really hard when I thought of moments when Scara and I hugged. 

"Hahaa, if you want my honest opinion: I think you have a crush on him."
"What really, you think so?"
"Well, it definetly sounds and looks like it." 

It took me a minute to let Heizou's statement sink in. Me? Having a crush on him? That can't be right... 

"I'm not very good with uh these kind of stuff...You know what, ask Venti about it. He has a lot of love advice and I'm sure he is willing to help you. I can ask him later if you want to." Heizou suggested.
Feeling flustered I just nodded and said my goodbyes to him. 

~Scaramouches Pov~

Kazuha seemed very different in class today. He avoided eyecontact with me and seemed.. to ignore me? Did I say something that upset him?

I decided to write him a note, asking him if something happened. When the teacher wasn't watching I quickly slid the paper to him. I watched him open the note and reading it. Shortly I recived a reply: "I'm alright, why are you asking?" and I replied with: "You seem a little off"

He didn't reply after that which worried me. 

After the teacher ended the lesson Kazuha quickly rushed out of the room. I was a little disappointed he didn't wait for me, but thought I'll see him at lunch. 

But when I saw him sitting alone with Venti I quietly joined Signora and Dottore. Childe was nowhere to be seen. 

"Why the sad face Kuni?" Signora asked when I sat down with a sigh. 
"It's nothing." I said and started eating my lunch, not wanting to answer more questions.
Signora seemed to understand and started a conversation with Dottore. 

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